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30 August 2010


Diabetes can not be cured, but can be controlled. Changes in lifestyle and diet is the key factor. Facts reveal, every 10 seconds one person dies due to complications from diabetes, and at the same time found two new diabetes.
Other data show, more than 80 million have diabetes (people with diabetes) is in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia. Worldwide, diabetes mellitus (DM) kills more people than HIV / AIDS. So great is the incidence of and deaths from diseases related to blood sugar levels itu.Sejak 2007, the UN world body made the 14 November as United Nations Day for Diabetes (UN World Diabetes Day). Diabetes is a chronic disease is not contagious noninfeksi and appointed the first United Nations.
Earlier, the UN just set Day tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV / AIDS, which is an infectious disease and menular.Di Indonesia, the National Diabetes Day is celebrated more quickly, precisely July 12. Figures for persons with the disease commonly known as diabetes is indeed pretty fantastic, is ranked fourth largest in dunia.Pada 2006 found 14 million have diabetes. Of the 50% who are aware of the virus, only 30% of routine berobat.WHO estimates, by 2030 will be approximately 21.3 million Indonesian people affected by diabetes.
There are four times or type of diabetes, namely type 1, type 2, another type (caused by illness or other factors), and diabetes in pregnancy (gestational). Type 1 diabetes can be experienced in childhood or youth and the disabled should get a lifetime intake of regular insulin (either through injection or inhalation). Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes is generally experienced by adults and not related to insulin. According to Indonesian Chairman of the Diabetes Association (PERSADIA) Prof. Dr. Dr. Sidartawan Soegondo KEMD SpPD-FACE, type 2 diabetes is the most, which is about 95% of all cases DM.Selain genetic factors, can also be triggered by the environment that cause changes in unhealthy lifestyle , such as eating too much (fat and less fiber), less physical activity, stress.
"Obesity is a key factor in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Genetic aspects are not preventable, but the lifestyle can be changed, "said Sidartawan in a presentation delivered at the National Diabetes Day celebration in Jakarta, some time ago. Type 2 diabetes can actually be controlled or prevented the occurrence through a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy eating and regular physical activity. However, over the development period, there is a change in lifestyle, such as the consumption of junk food menumenu high cholesterol and too lazy to move from relying on transportation and the increasingly sophisticated technology.
Type 2 diabetes is usually found in adults aged 40 years and over, now attack at a younger age. "Last year the youngest age of 20 years, there is now 8 years old children are affected by diabetes," said consultant endocrine metabolic Amsterdam was born. Best efforts to do is prevention by early diagnosis of prediabetes.
Because, if you've already exposed, it is very difficult mengobatinya.Komplikasinya also varied, such as damage to blood vessels and nerves, infection (gangrene feet), rocker gear or date, hypoglycemia (blood sugar level is too low), impotence, heart disease, stroke, up to blindness. "If you have diabetes, glucose levels should be maintained and preserved as possible. In addition to exercise, diet regulation plays an important role, "said Business Development Manager Dr Iwan S Kalbe Nutritionals Handoko. Form handling is a primary character (not to be a diabetes prevention), secondary (not to be complications), and tertiary (not to place disability).

28 August 2010

Avoid the Flu with a Diligent Hand Washing

true if the mothers are always asking to keep it clean hands, food, vegetables and sleep regularly. According to some doctors and nutritionists good habits that can prevent a person from the flu. According to Dr R Michael Gallagher, a habit that can at least be the best thing for one's health.
He explained that the habit to live healthy, balanced diet and adequate rest is a matter that is able to maintain the health of a person to get the flu. Spread of bird flu had indeed made a number of parties again tried to implement a healthy living habits. Because the bird flu so far have not been able to treat and has caused deaths in several countries.
"Maintaining healthy habits will probably be the best thing for yourself," said physician from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey's School of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Gallagher also estimates that people who work too hard and not doing their nutritional balance is to be exposed to greater flu.
In addition to adequate sleep (7-8 hours a day), keep the stress is something that is important also noted. "Because too much stress can damage the immune system," he explained. "What do you do in a healthy habit was an attempt to break the transmission of the flu and habits that are usually submitted by our mother since childhood," adds Dr. Mitchell Cohen.
Experts from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added that reducing the touch of the hand to the eyes, nose or mulit also could be something that is important to avoid the flu. Because if hands are not clean touch that can carry an infection that is none other than the flu. A virus can survive for five hours since she was infected from touching.
Dr. Ron Davis of the American Medical Association are confident that good sanitation is something that could be an alternative if soap and water is less available. To maintain immunity, a person should consume fish that contain vitamins A, C and E, milk and fruits.
The doctors and nutritionists hope the message they convey can at least make people aware that most people often neglect to wash their hands at least

25 August 2010

Pain during wake up, why?

Not a few complaints of back pain experienced by the patient and the complaint is increasingly feel pain or become heavy on waking.
Did you ever feel the same? These complaints are most often felt by older people, but there are also teenagers and young adults who complained about this.
Actually, most back pain caused by muscle pain and other causes that may own the spine, nerves or the presence of infection and so forth.
So back to it consisting of the spine or backbone and back muscles also function to move the spine earlier. While the backbone itself has a function to hold the body so that in an upright position, other than that bone is also to refute the chest cavity and protects the nerves around it.
Head and body weight we have reached 50% of total body weight and muscles are all supported earlier. So for example we are conducting activities that raised his head and body with some time eg 2 hours more, for example if we sit without leaning over 3 hours, then this will cause the muscles to work extra hard and will cause muscle pain later.
In addition to the above there are several causes of muscle back pain the other:
1. Spinal deformity such as a crooked spine, such as scoliosis, lordosis or kyposis, it usually comes from a genetic disorder.
2. Causes of back pain that is caused by the individual himself is overweight so that load the spine to hold the body become heavy.
3. Lifting heavy objects repeatedly and unnecessarily, as it should be noted how to stay safe backbone.

Later in the elderly is also worth noting the existence of aging / degenerative diseases of all organs including bone and muscle back earlier. Usually the parents a lot of cases of back pain due to decreased function of bearing spine or intervertebral Discus (see picture next to degenerative disc).
Normally, this disc serves to reduce the burden or as a cushion vertebrae, but in older people will experience a decline in function due to reduced ability to absorb water earlier disc.
Finally Discus This will thin out and will stand out from the spine so that the burden will be pinched nerve around (see picture beside the herniated disc), this is a lot of the cause of back pain in older people.
Another cause of back pain that is caused by a bed that is used is too soft or too hard that will create the backbone shape will change and balance the muscles are also affected.
How short-term solution?
We recommend that the elderly have to multiply the sport, because with this sport will be able to increase endurance and avoid the possibility of degenerative diseases that arise.
Not all sports are suitable for the elderly, exercise that is suitable for the elderly is the high road with a speed adjusted to the ability, if the sport is run regularly, it will make the back muscles become stronger and will make it back to be stable, then other sports matches is gymnastics, especially movements that involve a lot of back muscles.

As for the teenagers and young adults more complaints like this because due to the back muscles, so the solution with emphasis on sports, if the complaints have not subsided, you should see her doctor immediately, because of complaints it could not come from the back but comes from a place other.

22 August 2010

When on an airplane, why do we hurt the ears and head?

If we are going to fly would imagine how it feels .. shadow Well, what if the plane when we actually feel uncomfortable because we felt ears and head hurt so badly even the head feels like going to explode?
Is this situation normal? This is called Occlusion Tubal or a blockage in the fallopian tubes in the ears. Tuba eustachius / Eusthacian tube is a channel that starts from the middle ear and ended up behind the nose or base of the throat area. This channel serves to balance the air pressure in the middle ear and outside air pressure. When the pressure difference then this channel will open and allow air into the middle ear so that the pressure to be balanced.

When can the pressure difference is? If we want to get on a plane, when the aircraft was about to take off or landing or when the plane up and down in the air, our ears will feel like a full or a dead end or a bit less heard, this is caused by the pressure difference as before. Usually we will immediately respond to swallow that our hearing became normal again. With this swallowed will cause the tube open and outside air can enter ketelinga the middle.
In some people with disorders in Tuba eustachius or longer in people who have the flu / cold will occur is difficult to balance the pressure (when the aircraft in the air) so that air can not enter the middle ear and middle ear resulted in a vacuum, in circumstances like this channel the tubes were going to respond by reducing the middle ear space and attract the surrounding tissue for pressure somewhat balanced, and this response that causes incredible pain as the head going to explode. What's the solution?
In particular orang2 with disturbances in the fallopian tubes or the flu again, if you want to get on a plane should use nose drops that serves to open the fallopian tubes, the time before leaving (or can be by oral decongestant drug / drunk), how to dribble on the right nasal and left, having dropped his head must tilt the same direction for about 5 minutes, so when the right nasal drops, then the head tilted to the right to liquids into the ear. When on the plane over 8 hours, can be repeated in this way and done in the plane.
For tubal open continuously, perbanyaklah swallowed, one simple way is to suck candy, because candy will suck out saliva and inevitably we will be swallowed earlier. Therefore, before the plane would take off flight attendants will distribute candy, sometimes sweets were distributed by flight attendants considered to be part of the service and directly cepat2 spent before the plane took off, but ideally before dikulum pelan2 candy along the way for us to swallow continuously.
Another way is to evaporate, because when we yawn, the air will come out of the ear, so the pressure will be maintained.
Especially in anak2 or baby do not need ears covered with cotton (many in this way advise the parents) but enough to be drinking a lot at the time of aircraft in the air, as by swallowing, the tube will be open continuously. Covering the ears with cotton is not effective to overcome tubal occlusion in children, this is only useful way to reduce airplane noise. So when a plane carrying a small child and her son began to fuss should be made to drink water or milk, since she might have had tubal occlusion.

19 August 2010

He is a good fruit to your diet

safe diet is to eat fresh vegetables and fruit. This is much better because of fresh vegetables and fruits commonly found fiber or fiber as essential components of foods to the diet. Consumption of fruit and vegetables in high amounts it can also prevent people from heart attacks and cancer.
Here are 10 of Fruits of Work for Health and nutrition:


Apples contain carbohydrates, especially when it is growing and rich in pectin (a type of fiber). Apples contain quercetin flavonols called that in some studies to have anti-cancer ingredients. Quercetin also contain material that is useful for inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. While the nutritional content, apples contain vitamin C but not as many citrus fruits.

2. Strawberries
Strawberries contain ellagic acid as an antioxidant. In some studies ellagic acid proved to inhibit tumor growth in lung, osephagus, breast, cervix and tongue. As a traditional medicine, strawberries are believed to have antibacterial and is used as a cleaner digestive system. Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C.

Bananas are a source of vitamin B6 is needed to make serotonin in the brain. Serotonin function reduce pain, suppress appetite, and made to feel relaxed and reduce tension. As a traditional medicine, bananas are used to cure stomach ulcers. Unlike other fruits, bananas contain a lot of carbohydrates, low in carotene and vitamin C but rich in potassium.

Melons contain high sugar and lycopene, which serves as an anticancer. Red melon and orange also contains carotenoids that can protect cells against free radical damage and can also be converted into vitamin A in the body. Melon is a source of carotenoids and also contain vitamin C.

Oranges contain phytochemicals called hesperidin that act as antioxidants. Oranges are also sources of pectin which serves to lower blood pressure and low in fiber, including fruits, but a source of vitamin C and folate. 
Mango contains carotenoids called beta crytoxanthin, an antioxidant that may protect against some cancers such as colon cancer and cervical bone cancer. Mangoes are rich in carotenoids, including fruit, fiber, and vitamin C. 

Kiwi contains a pigment called chlorophyll which gives the green fruit. Kiwi can be converted into a compound that has the ability to bind to cancer. The kiwi fruit is sufficient to meet consumption requirements of vitamin C for adults. 

 Plum contains phytochemicals called ferulic acid, which have anticancer compounds. Research shows a lot of consumption of ferulic acid can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Plum is a fruit rich in fiber and potassium. 

Grape skin contains a phytochemical called resveratrol that is proven to improve heart health, anticancer, antibacterial, and contains antioxidants. Grapes contain fiber and vitamin C are low. 

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which has the ability to degrade proteins. Pineapple is often used as a meat tenderizer useful addition to aid digestion, describing blood clotting, prevent sinusitis, and urinary tract infections. Pineapple is a source of vitamin C and fiber and contain a high sugar content.

16 August 2010

Bath, create healthy and fresh

Bathing in addition to cleaning the body of impurities are also away stress, but the bathroom also has an important role improving the immune system, help avoid skin diseases like eczema and even cure serious medical problems.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed patients with diabetes who spent only a half hour soak in a tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels by about 13 percent.
Separate study in Japan showed 10 minutes of soaking in warm water can improve heart health both men and women, helping them lead a better exercise test and reduce pain.
What are the benefits of a bath and how long you should take a bath? Here are some hints shower fun and healthy:
Remove toxins
Bath of warm water around 32-35 degrees Celsius to open the pores which can help remove toxins. Warm bath also can help lower blood sugar levels, heal sore muscles and helps keep the colon working properly. The recommended time for 10-20 minutes.
If you do experience stress, a cold shower would be the right answer. The recommended temperature around 12-18 degrees Celsius. Very good cold water bath to ease tension, instead of a bath of warm water because cold water can narrow the blood and improve blood sugar levels.
Certain skin diseases like eczema, rashes or itching by adding baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into the bathtub to make a big difference. Sodium bicarbonate acts as an antiseptic. Fill the water with lukewarm water, add about one pound of baking soda and stir until blended. It is advisable to soak for 10-20 minutes.

Yeast infections such as thrush can be helped by adding three or four of cider vinegar into the bathtub. It's also good to remove toxins from the body because the vinegar can rebalance the acid. Add the warm water and soak for 15-20 minutes.
Flu and Headache

 Soak feet in warm water can help cure colds and headaches and also refresh tired legs. Enter the taste of warm water in the vessel to cover the foot and ankle add a few drops of oils such as lavender, peppermint or lemon. Once finished flush with cold water. Do it for 10-20 minutes.

Soaking the feet in cold water is very good for those of you who have insomnia problems or those who have trouble sleeping. Enter the legs until the feet feel cold. This treatment is also useful for tired legs, nose bleeding, flu and constipation.
Try soaking the feet alternately between warm water and cold water if you have circulation problems. Start by soaking the foot for one or two minutes in warm water, then 30 minutes in cold water. Try to do for 15 minutes and then settled with cold water. (Mydoc / trips)

13 August 2010

Dangers of Cigarette Smoke Effects Human Body For Health - A stick of cigarette Due to Poison, Addiction, Opium, Throw Money And Sin

Cigarettes are toxic things that give effect to relax and feel more manly suggestion. Behind the usefulness or benefits of cigarettes that contained a piece of a very big danger for people who smoke and those around smokers who never smoked.
1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals of which 200 of them poisonous and 43 other types can cause cancer in the body. Some substances that are dangerous are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..
2. Cigarette smoke is just dead on an ashtray containing three times the cancer-triggering substances in the air and 50 times contain pengeiritasi eyes and breathing. The shorter the higher levels of cigarette toxins that are ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous place than pollution on the streets are jammed highway.
3. Someone who tried smoking usually because cigarettes are addictive opiate that is difficult released under any circumstances. A heavy smoker will choose to smoke than eat if their money is limited.
4. Expensive price of cigarettes would be very burdensome people who are poor, so that fund welfare and health of their families are often diverted to buy cigarettes. Rooms with famous brands are usually owned by foreign tobacco companies coming from abroad, so the money spent on smokers will flee to foreign countries that reduce national income. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve living standards for employees, so if the cigarette factory closed down workers can be employed in other establishments that are more creative and bring in foreign exchange.
5. Most smokers will usually invite other people who do not smoke to smoke to feel the same suffering with it, that is trapped in an evil addiction cigarette smoke. Most smokers are in a more deliberately smoking in public places for the exhaled cigarette smoke can be inhaled to others, so that others will be affected by cancer.
6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an unlawful object or item that must be avoided and shunned as far as possible. Ulema or religious scholars who smoke may have different perceptions in this regard.
So it can be concluded that smoking is an activity undertaken stupid humans who sacrifice money, health, social life, reward, positive perceptions, and so forth. So be grateful if you do not smoke, because you are a smart / clever.
When someone offers a cigarette then starting with the good. Feeling kasihanlah in those who smoke. Do not listen to those who think you are lower than they otherwise follow-up smoking. because in the hearts and minds of those who are sane they want to quit smoking.

11 August 2010

Burn Scar Removal Tips Lightweight

If we had just suffered minor burns as exposed to motor exhaust heat or a burning pan on the stove, we must immediately deal with for the injury did not leave a mark or at least minimize the ex-posed.
Way, immediately soak the injured part into water with normal temperature (± 27 ° C) about 5-10 minutes. It is intended that the temperature of the injured part immediately neutral, because a proportion of the increase in temperature. After that, just apply a special ointment burns whose quality is guaranteed. Apply in accordance with routine usage instructions, surely smooth your skin back to normal.
There are still some people who believe the myth to overcome by applying the burn wound with soy sauce, butter, oil, and even toothpaste. In fact, it would lead to infected wounds, difficult to recover, and lasting.
Undoubtedly this method can eliminate / minimize the scars inflicted.

09 August 2010

Tips and How To Treat & Overcoming Diarrhea

Sometimes we as human being negligent towards the health of our body, so it can not shy away from foods that are not hygienic or clean from all kinds of seeds and disease germs. If we are not hygienic food then we could digestive disease that one result is diarrhea or diarrhea-diarrhea. In addition, diarrhea can be caused by chemicals in food poisoning, colds, dehydration (lack of body fluids) and so forth.
Diarrhea is a condition in which a person defecate several times in one day which exceed normal limits and feces or feces that comes out of thin or thick liquid with a wind / gas from the stomach. Here below are the 4 (four) technique or a way to cope with diarrhea or diarrhea-diarrhea.
1. Drink a lot of White Water
Frequently drink lots of water because of the frequent bowel movements, the body will lose a lot of fluid that should always be replaced with new fluid. Every once CHAPTER drink one or two glasses of water or mineral water is clean and cooked.
Drink ORS which is the salt sugar solution to help resist the formation of energy and diarrhea / stools after a bowel movements. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, etc. are able to stimulate gastric acid.
2. Eat Special Foods
Avoid eating fibrous foods such as gelatin, vegetable and fruit because fibrous foods will only prolong the diarrhea. Fibrous food is only good for people with constipation.
For patients with diarrhea should eat low-fiber foods such as porridge dah smooth lemes rice or rice with side dishes of salted eggs. Here the rice will become sugar to provide energy, while the salted egg will provide protein and salt to keep diarrhea and as a body builder substance. Avoid eating foods outside the indiscriminate and spicy foods containing chillies and pepper.
3. Adequate Rest
It is inevitable that people who waste water will feel weak, weak, lethargic, less passionate, and so forth. Therefore for those of you who already feel very weak or school should ask permission from the office to avoid the worst or embarrassing in a public place. Sleep as much as possible but do not forget the time eating the food and drugs should be regularly, drinking lots, worship and pray and others.
4. Drink Drugs With the Right Dose
A good idea to consult with your doctor and ask for the right medicine for you, because every person has the characteristics of each drug in the election. Hospitals, doctors' surgeries, health clinic or other appropriate clinics permission department of health is the right choice because it has a good doctor with good medicine, too. If you doubt just go to another doctor to get more information.
After getting the appropriate medication doses take medicine that the time allowed. Usually the doctor will give drug mules, diarrhea medicine, vitamins and antibiotics. For drug mules and diarrhea should be taken if the stomach pains and diarrhea alone and stop when it stops mules and diarrhea. As for the antibiotics required to spend for germs and other germs die total and do not form a resistance. For whatever vitamin you want to spend or not, but it would not hurt if it is spent because the vitamin is good for you as long as not excessive.

07 August 2010

Tips For Healthy and Strong Content

Having a baby is healthy is definitely a dream of all couples. In order to have healthy offspring, it helps you and your partner from pregnancy to prepare ahead of time.

One of the important preparation is to ensure good nutrition and enough so that the mother and later her womb healthy and strong. "Mothers who are malnourished can cause a variety of risks for the child," said Tuti Ariyani, doctors nutritionists from Mediros Hospital, Jakarta. Risks that could arise, for example, premature birth or birth defects.

Tuti said, the adequacy of this nutrient should be increased before the mother is pregnant, during pregnancy, and postpartum. "Intake must be increased approximately four to six months before becoming pregnant," she said.

M. Lutfi Alkaff, the obstetrician from Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, explained that the necessity gelontoran adequate nutrition before pregnancy is not without reason. Good nutrition in determining the quality of eggs that will be fertilized sperm. If good quality eggs, the chances the baby is born healthy and grow even larger.

During pregnancy, the supply of nutrition for the mother must also be sufficient. Because during pregnancy, the mother should feed two people, himself and the baby is still in the stomach. Not to forget, after giving birth or while breastfeeding, a mother also must have good nutrition for mother's milk that is produced can also provide nutrition for your baby

Then the intake of what it must be satisfied by a pregnant woman? Tutik give an example, if the usual condition of a person requiring 1700 calories a day, then when pregnancy calorie needs could reach 2000.

"When the nursing needs of these calories can rise again until 2200 per day," he said.

In addition to calories, protein is also important. If the mother usually takes 10 grams per day and then when the pregnant she needs to go up to 12 grams to 15 grams per day. Another important nutrient for pregnant women is folic acid.

Lack of folic acid will reduce the ability of blood to carry oxygen. As a result, your body is easy to feel tired and lethargic. For the fetus, folate deficiency can result in worse. Derivative of vitamin B deficiency can make your baby has a cleft lip, low weight, and birth defects known as neural tubee defects (NTD).

Add milk

Well, according to Lutfi, folic acid should be given after the first trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid is easily found in nuts, fruits, and green vegetables. To increase folate intake, the mother may only consume milk or supplements containing folate.

When pregnant, women may also experience blood deficiency or anemia. Thus, women need adequate iron. But iron supplements are not given during the first trimester of pregnancy. "Iron can make mothers feel more nausea and vomiting," said Lutfi.

Iron supplements can be given to the mother when it enters the second trimester of pregnancy. For your body getting ready for pregnancy, mothers can complete nutritional intake by consuming milk or fish oil. Milk good for reducing the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss in pregnant women.

However, according to Tuti, milk is just a complement. "With milk consumption, it does not mean women should not eat a source of nutrition alarm," he said. The mothers who were pregnant should not be negligent to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits to meet nutritional needs.

04 August 2010

Tofu and Tempeh Can Trigger Breast Cancer Cells?

Tofu and tempeh are soy-based foods are known as cheap and rich nutrition. Consumption of tofu and tempeh are very important for women, because they can slow down aging.

However, for certain types of breast cancer patients are encouraged to reduce consumption of tofu and tempeh. For, could trigger cancer cell growth quickened.

Tofu and tempeh contain phytoestrogens, namely chemical compounds which are plant hormones (phyto means plant), which possess chemical structure resembles estrogen in the human body. That's why phytoestrogens are considered to help address the problem of decreased estrogen in women.

However, for people with certain types of breast cancer, the consumption of tofu and tempeh that can trigger the ever increasing amount of the hormone estrogen in the body that can actually stimulate more rapid spread of cancer.

"Although not all breast cancers, but there are certain types of breast cancer that the growth of cancer cells actually influenced by estrogen. For that, for patients with breast cancer are advised to reduce consumption of foods such as tofu and tempeh estrogen, as well as chicken skin, "said Health Experts and observers lifestyle Diponegeoro graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hyderabad, Dr Grace Judio Kahl, MSc, MH, CHt in the event Health Talk Show in FX Sudirman Plaza, Jakarta.

Although tofu dangerous for people with certain types of breast cancer, foods that are easily obtained with this low price still has benefits, of course, for those who do not have the prohibition to eat soy.

"For that, selective in choosing the food is important, especially for those who suffer from certain diseases. Consultations with doctors nutritionists to help manage your diet, "said Dr. Grace.

01 August 2010

Bird Flu

1. What is called Flu-Bird?
Avian Influenza is a disease caused by influenza viruses that attack birds / poultry / chicken. One type that need to be aware is caused by influenza viruses with H5N1 genetic code (H = Haemagglutinin, N = Neuramidase) which in addition can be transmitted from bird to bird turns can also be transmitted from birds to humans.
2.Who to watch out for and how to attack humans if clinical symptoms?
What to look out for is a) if a person works in the laboratory that processed samples from patients or infected animals or b) 1 week ago to work or visit the farm / slaughter poultry in an area affected or c) contact with people with Avian Influenza HPAI (Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza) or more specifically the H5N1 virus at the time the disease spreads easily and then suffer from the disease with symptoms: heat over 38 degrees Celsius, cough, and sore throat. Such patients by the WHO called Possible case of Influenza A (H5N1). The situation could become more severe if accompanied by shortness of breath occur pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) and cause high mortality (Year 1997 in Hong Kong 33.33% death rate, or 6 of 18 cases).
3.How long incubation period? And when the man how long the infeksiusnya?
a) very short incubation period of 1-3 days, b) Although not yet proven the existence of transmission from human to human, infeksiusnya period (period in which patients with the Avian Flu H5N1 is estimated to be able to transmit the virus) is 1 day before symptoms appear and 3-5 days after symptoms appear with a maximum of 7 days (but there is literature that mention up to 21 days in children).
4.what is of Man is contagious diseases to humans such as SARS?
Until now, from human to human transmission has not been proven. So far the transmission that occurs is of birds / poultry / chicken-Bird Flu to humans through bird droppings or secretary who pollute the air and the hands of handlers. But in terms of the spread of plague that is feared is that if bird flu mutated gene, and becomes infectious from human to human as happened in SARS. 

5.who is most high risk of contracting bird flu? Those with high risk are farm workers, sellers and handlers poultry products / bird / chicken. Laboratory workers who examined the disease are also at high risk of contracting. Children and the elderly (60 years) and those who are in conditions of low immunity (long-term steroid users, drug sitostatica to cancer) is a group which is susceptible to severe disease prevention? Temporary recommendations for prevention for those involved in livestock / poultry slaughtering / birds / chickens en masse, especially in the affected area issued by WHO / WPRO Manila, January 14, 2004 the point is as follows. : a) Wash hands often, handlers should also do the disinfection of hands (can be with alcohol 70%, or a solution of chlorine of 0.5% for alat2/instrumen) b) Use personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, protective glasses, protective shoes and protective clothing when carrying out duties dipeternakan affected or in laboratories c) They are exposed to poultry / birds / chickens suspected to be infected should be vaccinated with human influenza vaccine is recommended by WHO in order to prevent infection with a mixture of Avian-Human Flu-Bird, which is likely to lead to type-Bird Flu virus that can infect humans. d) Perform a passive observation of their health and their families exposed. Pay attention to complaints such as flu, sore eyes, respiratory complaints.) People at high risk for influenza are those aged over 60 years, or a diseased lung and chronic heart should not be working in poultry / birds / chickens. e) Perform serological survey in those exposed, including the doctor-animal f) If there is a risk for inhaling the polluted air on the farm / place of slaughter of infected, diajurkan prevention with antiviral drugs (such as with oseltamivir 75 mg in capsules, 1 time a day for 7 days). g) Laboratory tests to confirm and isolate the virus cause: Please send the blood specimens and the tools in (intestine, liver, nose and mouth swabs, trachea, lung, spleen, kidney, brain and heart) of animals suspected of contracting the disease (including pig ) to a competent laboratory.
7.what is eating chicken meat or poultry can transmit the disease-Bird Flu 
Dirt and secretary fluids infected poultry can transmit when not in cooking. Warm 90 degrees Celsius within 1 minute to kill the virus.

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