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16 July 2010

Treat Kidney Stones

Treating kidney stones may or not involve surgery. Ninety percent of patients, does not have to perform the operation because your body can expel the disease. But what happens to the remaining ten percent?

Ten percent of the remainder require surgery because the stones that have been clogging the system of your body is too large to pass through the bladder and will continue to grow larger. It also can block the flow of urine, causing pain, tissue damage kidneys or cause you to have a UTI or urinary tract infection.

Currently there are 4 methods for dealing with kidney stones:

The first is extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy or ESWL. Non-electric shock wave created outside your body, then traveled to the skin until it reaches the solid rock in your body. Within minutes, the stones will form flakes. In order for this treatment can work, you will be placed in a warm tub, containing purified water or onto a machine that acts as a medium for non-electrical wave through it.

Second, the PNL or percutaneous nephrolithotomy. This is used when a kidney stone is big enough and ESWL does not work. Here, the doctor will make small cuts on your back to make a tunnel into the kidney. The stone will then be removed using a tool known as nephroscope. If the stone is too large, will use the investigation of energy (energy probes). There are two types of ultrasonic and elektrohidrolik.

Third, known as ureteroscopic stone removal. Here, a small fiber optic instrument walk through the urethra and bladder to reach the ureter. Once it got inside, the stone was found and destroyed with a special device that emits a shock wave. After surgery, the tube will be installed in the uterer for a few days to help heal the lining the ureter.

The fourth option is open surgery. Basically, the doctor will open the affected area and then picked up kidney stones. It is also possible to inject a solution consisting of calcium chloride, cyroprecipitate, thrombin and indigo carmine into the kidney, the first to trap the stones in a jelly-like clumps and therefore will be easy to lift it using forceps.

Kidney stones can come back again, even after your surgery. If this happens, it means you do not take precautions.

Which includes preventive measures is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day which is about 3 liters as this will make your urine looks clear rather than yellow. You have to make changes in your diet because too much calcium is bad for your health. Some things you should subtract including apples, black pepper, chocolate, coffee, cheese, wine, ice cream, oranges, tomatoes and yogurt.

In addition, you also have to reduce the product of fish, meat or poultry because of this increase your uric acid. If you often drink alcohol, hilangkanlah although it is not dangerous if you can manage it.

We all know that it is impossible to eat the same food every day to maintain a balanced diet. What you can do is take the supplement.

The best way to treat kidney stones is prevention. It will also save you money, because you do not have to pay for doctors, medicines and the cost being done to make the correct diagnosis.

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