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03 July 2010

Pregnancy Signs

Are you pregnant??

Make sure you're pregnant or not, before it's too late.
Pregnancy Signs:

  • Not getting menstruasi.ini occurs because the uterine lining is prepared for pregnancy. It is important to know the first day of last period, which can determine the approximate age of pregnancy and childbirth. Keep in mind that not getting your period but as a sign of early pregnancy can also be caused by something else. 
  • Frequent urination. Occurred because bladder pressure by the enlarged uterus. Complaints will usually be reduced in pregnancy after 12 weeks and re-emerges after 28 weeks gestation.

  • Vomiting and Nausea. Occur because of hormonal changes. Known as "morning sickness" because of nausea and vomiting often occur in the morning in the first months of pregnancy.
  • Cravings. Want a certain makanan2, occurring in the first few months.

  • Other signs, such as breast enlargement hard, enlarged nipples, darker sometimes feels itchy and sore.

 When the symptoms above do not have to you, then you can verify with other test, because every pregnant woman have a complaint and different symptoms.If still in doubt periksakanlah to your doctor. Doctors will be able to confirm your pregnancy with ultrasound (ultrasonography), found a picture of the fetus.

Hopefully helpful

Dangers of drinking water before eating and sleeping white

Dangers of drinking water before eating white

To reduce excessive eating a lot of people drink water first, just before eating. Better get rid of the habit, if you want to drink before meals do one hour before meals.
Consuming too much water just before eating it makes you lose your appetite because the stomach becomes full. But drinking water immediately before eating will make the process of absorption of food by the enzyme becomes more difficult.
Because the water you drink took 30 minutes to flow from the stomach into the intestines. So if you drink just before eating, have not had water to the intestine has been added to the foods that make the enzymes work more difficult.
Professor Hiromi Shinya, MD, an expert in enzyme that is also a professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, as quoted by the essay, 'The Miracle of Enzyme' on Saturday (02/20/2010), suggested that drinking water was performed 1 hour before mealtimes.

The ideal way to meet the need of water for the body are:
1-3 glasses when I wake up in the morning
2-3 glasses, 1 hour before lunch
2-3 glasses, 1 hour before dinner.

Dangers of drinking water before bed

Drinking water right before bed can prevent backflow. Although only the water, when mixed with stomach acid into the throat and can be inhaled into the lungs are worried about the risk of suffering from pneumonia.

Get used to sleep with empty stomachs because the throat was designed so that no one goes into it except air. If still no food or drinks, the stomach contents go up into the esophagus will overflow when you lay down. When that happens, the body will narrow windpipe and stop your breathing to prevent stomach contents into the throat.

Many incidents of people dying from a heart attack at dawn. The reason is because the acid that flows back as a result of eating or drinking late at night, and ends at the closing of the respiratory tract and breathing became irregular, blood oxygen levels decrease and eventually less supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

According to note is that drinking water after waking up because of fluid loss must be quickly replaced when I wake up. Not recommended to drink water before bed, but if very thirsty, can be done one hour before bedtime.

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