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03 June 2010

7 Reasons You Need to Wake up Early

             You've heard the slogan "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, Wealthy, and wise"? This slogan is right, because when you sleep faster and wake up early, you get enough rest and wake up in the fresh-fit condition. With this condition, you can further enhance the productivity of your life throughout the day.
             So, for you are still not able to get quality time due to always stay up and wake up late, try to consider to better manage your time. Wake up it's fun, you know, because you can get extra time to do the things you want to do.
1. Sharpen your mind and heart            In the morning is a good time for self-development. For example, to read the book Your Job Is Not Your Career Rene Suhardono its not too exhausted to read it. Read this book in the morning. The atmosphere is still quiet would be a gift that you can use to develop yourself professionally, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. the morning is the time to sharpen the mind and heart.
2. Sport          Bed early, making you able to get up early to fit. The time is still there you can use to exercise, whether at home or at the gym near the office.
3. Care of the little things          Make the little things that you should do first to accomplish a larger task on that day. For example, the first reply to emails that have not opened in the inbox, so rongrongan emails from clients or other departments in the office will not seize your attention.
4. Increase productivity          If you start the day early, you will make the day seem longer. Thus, you can do more in one day than usual. If your work piling up for tomorrow, go to sleep early, get up early, then you can complete tasks more quickly.
5. Using time to think         Financial expert James Citrin once said, "the quietness of the morning often occur when our minds are clear, and allow to solve important problems." His article, Tapping the Power of Your Morning Routine, will provide insight on how valuable your time in the morning. In the article Jim also reported that 80 percent of corporate officers who diwawancaranya woke up at 5:30 or earlier.
6. Doing meditation         Meditation causes emotional balance and well-being. If you start the day with meditation, you will bring a balance in your life all day, and improve the quality of your life. Morning into a better time for meditation because your mind is still fresh, relaxed, and the brain is still sharp.
7. Beat congestion
         People in Jakarta or other big cities in Indonesia certainly know, if you have to take time tens of kilometers to the office every day, you'll save time if you leave for work early. By arriving at work early you can use the remaining time to do the things you love, whether it's reading, sports, call the parents in the village, to plan activities in a day, and so forth. Instead use this time to navigate traffic, better use it for "me time" is a small right?

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