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11 September 2010

organs could be a sign of disease in your body

Lately, many diseases that come suddenly and be fatal, even cause death. Everyone would not want a fatal incident that happened to her. Hence, to prevent it, you should be able to detect the disease early. Moreover, all diseases have symptoms, it's just, you probably feel less observant.
In fact, not difficult to detect the disease early. You can take advantage of health equipment (medical supplies), which is now available on the market. One of them Vscan from General Electrics (GE) of Indonesia. GE claims this device can help detect diseases earlier, such as cardiovascular disorders.
In addition to using medical equipment, you also can detect the disease in a way more simple. Namely, with a view without signs of physical changes in your body. Physical changes can you look through beberaga organs, such as nails, eyes, tongue, skin, or hair.
The parts of the body that can reveal exactly what disease you have. "Physical changes become clues to find disease that potentially interfere with your body," said Marganda, experts kehatan from Omni International Hospital Alam Sutera.
Through the nail, for example, you can detect several symptoms of the disease. Yellow nail nmengindikasikan have liver disorders or infection, and abnormalities in liver. While the base of the nail that is blue indicating symptoms of heart disease.
Other diseases that can be detected is anemia or deficiency of red blood cells. If this disease, the nail will look pale. In addition to nails, you also must be aware of toenails. Blue toenails indicate your lungs have suffered lack of oxygen or poisoning.
The eyes can also help you detect the disease. For example, a reddened eye irritation may indicate conditions that interfere with vision. But, you also can detect some other disease. For example, red eye without pain is an indication that your chances of wormy disease, mild allergies, thyroid, tumor, even HIV / AIDS. If it comes with great pain, it is possible, you are subject to rheumatism.
Eye, tongue, and hair
High cholesterol levels can also be detected by eye. The sign is a red eye with a white circle around the cornea. While the white lining of the yellow ball and protruding eyes could be a sign of hypertensive disease.
Shape and color of tongue can also indicate the presence of a disease. Tongue with thick white layers indicate thypus disease. But if the lining berawarna yellow indicates the condition is excessive body heat. "Purple tongue can mean less blood circulation smoothly," added Suhanto, Head of Health Services Mediros Hospital, Jakarta.
Stress can also be detected from the tongue. Typically, the tip of the tongue of the stress, anxiety, or anxious light colored.
Other organs that could indicate the disease is hair. But, the disease can be detected with hair condition is usually caused by poor nutrition.
"Usually this occurs in children," said Suhanto again. In this case, the hair change color to yellow, thin body, but bloated stomach. When no weight is weighed according to age.


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