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30 September 2010

Benefits of Pure Water

It is undeniable that water is a vital substance needed by our bodies, 80% of our body consists of water, even our body organs are composed of more than 80% water, the brain consists of 90% and 95% of blood consists of water. Unfortunately, water can not be produced in our bodies, therefore the body must get the water intake from the outside to keep the body's metabolism so as not to interfere.
So many benefits of water for our bodies, so we must maintain existing water levels in our bodies by consuming water in accordance with the needs of our bodies. Some of the benefits of water for our bodies, among others:
1. Help expedite our digestive system
Digestive processes in our bodies will be greatly assisted by the water that goes into our bodies, so that digestive disorders like constipation problems can be avoided.
2. Water can help slow the growth of cancer-triggering substances and prevent the emergence of liver disease and kidney stones and water makes the body more energy.
3. Beauty care skin
To obtain beautiful skin, should be treated either from outside or from within the body. Treatment from the outside to always keep the skin clean and keep the humidity. While care of in one of which was obtained from the water we consume. If we consume less water, the body will absorb the water in the skin so the skin is dry and wrinkled. Therefore we must always keep the water intake into our bodies.
4. Ease of kidney (renal Healthy)
Kidneys have the function to filter out substances that are not used by the body is filtered through the blood. Lack of water in the blood will make the blood curdle and will make the kidneys work harder because they have to filter the gore, in a long time will cause damage to our kidneys.
5. Increasing the brain works
Brain cells is one body part in need of food and oxygen in large numbers, where those foods come through the blood. With a thick blood condition due to lack of water will cause the brain cells do not get food and oxygen intake in an optimal and this will reduce the power of the brain. And vice versa if the blood flow smoothly to the brain, the intake of food and oxygen to the brain will be more optimal as well and this will increase the power of our brains work.
How does our body's need for water per day? Water that comes out of our bodies in the form of urine and sweat may reach 1 liter per day, yet the water that comes out through the process of respiration. The experts suggest that the intake of water into our bodies at least 2 liters per day, if you include a person who often berkeringan the need for water will be more than 2 liters.
With so many health benefits of water for us, not hurt us always keep the water intake into our bodies for our own health. Do not drink before feeling thirsty emerges is the wrong habits, because thirst is a sign that our bodies are short of water.

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