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01 July 2010

Natural Remedy Overcome Hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammatory process in liver tissue. The disease is more commonly known as liver disease or jaundice. However, the term jaundice can lead to confusion because not all jaundice caused by inflammation of the liver.
Of the many factors, the virus that was ranked first as the cause of most disease hepatitis. Others may be caused by bacteria, parasites, drugs, chemicals that damage the liver, alcohol, worms, or too poor nutrition.
By DR. Dr. Julitasari Sundoro, based on the course of the disease, hepatitis can be divided into acute and chronic. Called chronic hepatitis is still there after six months. There are five types of viral hepatitis, namely hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV or non-A non-B parenteral), viral hepatitis D (VHD), and viral hepatitis E ( vhe or non-A non-B enteric). In addition to some virus, now there's even a virus that causes hepatitis AE F and G.
Prof. H. Ali Suleiman, Professor of Medicine Faculty of medicine, says that people with hepatitis who have been in the prodormal phase (before the body becomes yellow), usually experience symptoms of weakness, tired, lethargic, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling uncomfortable and pain in the abdomen, fever and sometimes chills, headache, pain in the joints, stiffness in the whole body, especially hips and shoulders, and diarrhea. Sometimes people like to colds and cough with or without sore throat.
When you have reached the phase of yellow (jaundice), the patient will see a yellow urine is concentrated, such as tea. In addition, the whites of the eye ball, the mucous membrane of the palate, and skin turned yellowish. And when there are barriers to the flow of bile into the intestine, feces will pale as putty (stool acholis).
SymptomaticallyHowever, not all hepatitis have symptoms, as already mentioned. There are people with hepatitis with no symptoms at all or maybe only with mild symptoms, and there are really serious in a short time later terminated death.
If so, we must be careful. Besides always used to lead a healthy lifestyle, do regular checks to the doctor. If it was known to suffer from liver disease, usually the doctor will give medicine.
Treatment by doctors, according to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, generally symptomatic, ie, to relieve symptoms of diseases that arise other than as a therapy that helps the continuity of liver function.
The drugs are generally hepatoprotector (protects liver cells against the effects of toxic substances that can damage the repair and regeneration), lipotropik (increasing mobility of fat in the liver), Kholeretik (increasing the production of bile by the liver), and kholagogum (improves gallbladder emptying and running it into the duodenum).
Medicinal plant materials to assist in the improvement of liver function is usually hepatoprotective. Materials that include curcumin can be obtained from ginger and turmeric, filantin from meniran, silymarin from widuran, aukubin of leaf spoon, glycyrrhisic acid from the saga, essential oils of garlic, krisofanol of rhubarb, gingerol from ginger, wedelolakton of urang -aring, andrographolide from bitter, and sianidol of tannic substances.
Some Examples PotionMany medicinal herbs recipes, one from Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, useful for improving liver function. Some of them are presented because the materials are easily obtainable. However, patients should still consult your doctor when using these recipes:
ConcoctionMaterial- One finger sticks brotowali- Three glasses of water- One tablespoon honey
How to MakeWash brotowali stem and cut into pieces as needed. Boil three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and add a spoonful of honey. Drink twice a day, each half a glass

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