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13 July 2010

26 Facts 'Fresh' About Your Heart Health

If you want to keep your heart healthy, Missed opportunities to get to know the heart of it first. Including known some early signs of heart disease alarm. In the case of heart disease, the most important thing is prevention, and it's easy ga actually, just need to know about the heart of it all.

Here are some loaded on the clinical facts of heart so much the intersections ga siurnya and intended to allow you to know the heart of more familiar again.

   1. We have a heart that is located on the left chest, behind the breastbone, the left ribs. The position of the heart is flanked by the two lungs, but not to worry because the lungs are like a sponge bath so that such position will not strangle the heart.

   2. The amount of heart sekepalan only the left hand of his owner, but so small, unusual heart function vital for life, when he stopped working 5 minutes alone, almost certainly we're close to the grave.

   3. Is actually misleading the Indonesian people interpret 'heart' as the 'heart'. Actually heart means a heart, while his own heart is known as 'liver'. So the term 'my heart' means 'my heart' (really weird but yes??)

   4. The heart is actually a very unique muscular pump, which pumps blood throughout the body (up to the fingertips) and with a very irregular rhythm our lifetime. Imagine, if there are man-made tool that is still so irregular after working continuously for 50 years or more?

   5. Besides as a muscular pump, the heart is also an organ that is surrounded by the electrical system is very complex and systematic, is more complex than any internet cable network has ever seen. Therefore, the slightest disturbance in any part of the heart's electrical cable will have adequate means for the overall effectiveness of the heart pumps. Heart rhythm disturbances such medically known as arrhythmias.

   6. Normal heart rhythm is irregular and under a single command that comes from the sinoatrial node. The frequency of normal is 60 - 100 times per minute

   7. Their hearts are young and fond of exercise routine, as well as athletes, beats more slowly, can reach 40 times per minute. This is normal and is the efficiency of the heart because the heart pumps power their relative power is greater than the laity and thus require much less frequency only. It is a good thing as long as no symptoms.

   8. Children's heart rate faster than adults because of reasons opposite of the above. In the fetus in the womb, a normal heart rate between 120-160 beats per minute. In children under five heart rate can reach 130 beats per minute. It is indeed normal, so do not worry

   9. When fever, normal heart rate will increase, which is about 10 times per minute for every increase in body temperature 1 'C above 38' C. That's because when fever activity of our body's cells increases so that the heart needs to work extra to meet them.

  10. Parents are often staggered, dark, dizzy when standing up, limp, one of which could be due to a too slow heart rate, in addition to blood pressure disorders. Generally, there are some degenerative processes in the Sino Atrial Node of the elderly, related to age.

  11. In adolescents, especially the women often complain of heart palpitations, especially in certain situations, sometimes accompanied with easy palms sweating. Such a situation is often encountered is the manifestation of anxiety disorders (psychological). However, it should also eliminated the possibility of excess thyroid hormone (thyroid)

  12. Even though our heart is the engine which means the blood pump is always in contact with blood, but the only blood that is carried through tiny vessels called coronary arteries who berdapat used solely as a provider of oxygen and nutrients to working muscles of the heart. So if there is a narrowed coronary branch, then in part the location of potential heart muscle injury or even death, heart attack ensued.

  13. Cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessels) is now a scourge of mankind's number one killer in the world. In the USA, no less 400ribu new patients seen each year who experience a heart attack.

  14. In young adults sometimes experience chest pain in the left section of a sudden and intense pain like a dagger stabbed though only an instant (in seconds) and generally often rise while a deep breath. It is often not very meaningful, not caused by heart disease specific. Commonly encountered in individuals who are classified as anxious. Therefore disejuluki as cardiac neurosis. This situation is not dangerous and if examined a variety of commonly encountered no significant cardiac abnormalities.

  15. Chest pain typical for a narrowing of the coronary (angina) usually in the form of flavors such as overwritten heavy burden just behind the breastbone (in the middle of the chest) that can spread to the esophagus, shoulders, arms and back left. Pain thus risen, especially during physical activity and immediately subside after resting or taking nitrate drugs. If still not abated in more than 20 minutes, maybe a heart attack has occurred, rather than narrowing.

  16. For the Asian race, there are many cases of heart attack was found in elderly patients who come with complaints heartburn, without chest pain.

  17. In elderly patients and diabetics, heart attacks can be performed in secret, or no symptoms at all (silent infarcts), although the risk of complications similar to those symptoms. So this is really dangerous. Routine checks required in those who belong to high risk.

  18. Smoking increases nearly 4-fold increased risk of heart attack. Other risk factors for coronary heart disease include uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, obesity, uncontrolled hypertension, blood cholesterol (especially LDL) is high, obstructive sleep apnea (periods of stopping breathing during sleep for a moment), transcription factors family, elderly, post-menopause in women and versatile living habits and stress management anger.

  19. In individuals who are relatively young and without having any risk above, it is often not typical chest pain on the left are generally derived from other organs besides the heart, especially muscle. In addition it may also be from the stomach and lungs.

  20. Smokers, those who are obese and those who have a diet that is not good and sometimes ulcers can have a pretty horrible chest pain that is like the burning of the upper pit of the stomach to the esophagus. That so far as they occur in relatively young age and do not have the risk of heart disease is often caused by stomach acid reflux or spill that rises up to the esophagus, or known as reflux esophagitis. Because the heart of a burning sensation as it is dubbed as heart burn. But really it is just sekalai not associated with heart disease.

  21. There is one type of heart disease who have a prognosis (life expectancy) is very bad that is bad heart (heart failure). Bad heart are slowly but surely will undermine the patient until death is the end. The prognosis is even worse than some kinds of cancer!

On the bad heart, the ability of the heart pump continued to decline as a result of a heart while was no longer able to pump blood optimally so many vital organs in the body becomes disrupted its function. The most common cause of bad heart are primarily older uncontrolled hypertension and post-heart attack that is not optimally managed. Heart valve abnormalities are the cause of the relatively bad heart most often in those with younger age.

   1. Therefore, there is the term 'time is muscle' for those who suffered heart attacks, meaning that the faster patients are identified and overcome his heart attack, the heart muscle damage is not extensive and the pump function can be maintained as optimal as possible so that the risk of heart trouble can be avoided.

   2. Investigations necessary to detect narrowing of coronary or heart attack among other record static heart (ECG), records the heart with the load test (treadmill), CT coronary angiography (calcium score) and cardiac catheterization and check laboratium blood (cardiac markers).

   3. Investigations necessary to detect heart trouble among other heart ultrasound (echocardiography), chest x-ray images and lab checks the blood (NT-Pro BNP).

   4. The most important in the management of heart health is to prevent a first heart attack, meaning that prevention efforts already undertaken at high-risk individuals who have not experienced any symptoms. The way to continue to seek healthy habits and manage the existing risk factors are routinely and without knowing the boredom (eg taking medication high blood sugar and cholesterol medication every day).

   5. Efforts to prevent the most easy, inexpensive yet very effective is diligent walking every day. The trick is simple, though somewhat silly, always choose stairs instead of elevators, keep on running even when the escalator, parking the car a bit away from the entrance of your office, etc.. Walking is a friend of a healthy heart.

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