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03 July 2010

Pregnancy Signs

Are you pregnant??

Make sure you're pregnant or not, before it's too late.
Pregnancy Signs:

  • Not getting menstruasi.ini occurs because the uterine lining is prepared for pregnancy. It is important to know the first day of last period, which can determine the approximate age of pregnancy and childbirth. Keep in mind that not getting your period but as a sign of early pregnancy can also be caused by something else. 
  • Frequent urination. Occurred because bladder pressure by the enlarged uterus. Complaints will usually be reduced in pregnancy after 12 weeks and re-emerges after 28 weeks gestation.

  • Vomiting and Nausea. Occur because of hormonal changes. Known as "morning sickness" because of nausea and vomiting often occur in the morning in the first months of pregnancy.
  • Cravings. Want a certain makanan2, occurring in the first few months.

  • Other signs, such as breast enlargement hard, enlarged nipples, darker sometimes feels itchy and sore.

 When the symptoms above do not have to you, then you can verify with other test, because every pregnant woman have a complaint and different symptoms.If still in doubt periksakanlah to your doctor. Doctors will be able to confirm your pregnancy with ultrasound (ultrasonography), found a picture of the fetus.

Hopefully helpful


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