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07 August 2010

Tips For Healthy and Strong Content

Having a baby is healthy is definitely a dream of all couples. In order to have healthy offspring, it helps you and your partner from pregnancy to prepare ahead of time.

One of the important preparation is to ensure good nutrition and enough so that the mother and later her womb healthy and strong. "Mothers who are malnourished can cause a variety of risks for the child," said Tuti Ariyani, doctors nutritionists from Mediros Hospital, Jakarta. Risks that could arise, for example, premature birth or birth defects.

Tuti said, the adequacy of this nutrient should be increased before the mother is pregnant, during pregnancy, and postpartum. "Intake must be increased approximately four to six months before becoming pregnant," she said.

M. Lutfi Alkaff, the obstetrician from Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, explained that the necessity gelontoran adequate nutrition before pregnancy is not without reason. Good nutrition in determining the quality of eggs that will be fertilized sperm. If good quality eggs, the chances the baby is born healthy and grow even larger.

During pregnancy, the supply of nutrition for the mother must also be sufficient. Because during pregnancy, the mother should feed two people, himself and the baby is still in the stomach. Not to forget, after giving birth or while breastfeeding, a mother also must have good nutrition for mother's milk that is produced can also provide nutrition for your baby

Then the intake of what it must be satisfied by a pregnant woman? Tutik give an example, if the usual condition of a person requiring 1700 calories a day, then when pregnancy calorie needs could reach 2000.

"When the nursing needs of these calories can rise again until 2200 per day," he said.

In addition to calories, protein is also important. If the mother usually takes 10 grams per day and then when the pregnant she needs to go up to 12 grams to 15 grams per day. Another important nutrient for pregnant women is folic acid.

Lack of folic acid will reduce the ability of blood to carry oxygen. As a result, your body is easy to feel tired and lethargic. For the fetus, folate deficiency can result in worse. Derivative of vitamin B deficiency can make your baby has a cleft lip, low weight, and birth defects known as neural tubee defects (NTD).

Add milk

Well, according to Lutfi, folic acid should be given after the first trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid is easily found in nuts, fruits, and green vegetables. To increase folate intake, the mother may only consume milk or supplements containing folate.

When pregnant, women may also experience blood deficiency or anemia. Thus, women need adequate iron. But iron supplements are not given during the first trimester of pregnancy. "Iron can make mothers feel more nausea and vomiting," said Lutfi.

Iron supplements can be given to the mother when it enters the second trimester of pregnancy. For your body getting ready for pregnancy, mothers can complete nutritional intake by consuming milk or fish oil. Milk good for reducing the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss in pregnant women.

However, according to Tuti, milk is just a complement. "With milk consumption, it does not mean women should not eat a source of nutrition alarm," he said. The mothers who were pregnant should not be negligent to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits to meet nutritional needs.


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