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31 October 2010

strees can trigger heart disease

was not only physical illnesses that lead to heart disease, but diseases associated with psychic into a contributing factor, namely depression. It is known that stress will make blood vessels constrict, increasing blood pressure, and cholesterol levels rise.Many studies have shown that when facing a tense situation, there may be life-threatening heart arithmias. People who are easily stressed twice more prone to heart disease. It is said by psychiatric experts from Omni International Hospital Alam Sutera Tangerang, Dr. Andrew SpKJ, patients with a history of depression that often appear to have increased average risk of death from 4 to 5 times after myocardial infarction than those without depression. Depression after myocardial infarction associated with myocardial re-emergence and death.
When all the factors triggering heart disease can be controlled, there are other factors that could make a heart inflamed. Factor is depression. Depression is also a separate risk factor (independent), which triggered the emergence of coronary heart disease in men and women. "Depression can cause sudden death by working on the vagus nerve, which is associated with the heartbeat," he said.
Andrew explained that the depression caused a decrease in a substance in the body called serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin are associated with changes in platelet adhesions. This makes people who are depressed have a tendency plateletnya sticky blood vessels (heart)

30 October 2010

Breast cancer in men

          This world is not only women who could have breast cancer but also men can get breast cancer and its treatment can be much more complex if diagnosed at an advanced stage.    

          Like women, men also have to regularly perform breast examination early. Because, according to Chairman of the Breast Health Foundation Jakarta (YPKJ), Dr Sutjipto Spb (K) Onk say that men should be wary, if the milk glands in men did not stop until the age of 20 years.

          "Men also have milk glands, like a woman. However, most of the milk glands will cease production until the man reaches the age of 20. But, if not halted production of milk glands, this is what can cause breast cancer in men," he said when met at Levi's events Breast Cancer Campaign recently.      

          Sutjipto Similarly, information from the Times of India website also states that most men often ignore breast cancer who also could happen to him. It is rare, but according to the Surgical Oncologist at Apollo Hospital, Sameer Kaul states, the vast majority of cases, men prone to develop breast cancer after age 40 years. This could occur because men also have nodules or lumps in the breast, and hormone imbalance after the age of 40 can cause breast cancer.   

For every 100 cases of breast cancer, 99 seen in women and 1 in men.

"Cancer cells can also develop in male breast tissue. The problem, early tumor spread to other body parts due to the small size of the male breast," said Kaul added. 

Fear and doubt on the men to check themselves into the cause of the problem of breast cancer in men need to get special attention.

          Diagnosis and treatment of male breast cancer patients classified the same as women. "Treatment may be the same, including chemotherapy or surgical removal of tumors, depending on the stage of diagnosis," said Rudra Acharya, surgical oncology at the Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon.    

          Symptoms of breast cancer, including swelling in the breast area, the formation of pus, and a lump in the armpit or breast area. "Mammography is not much help for small breasts so difficult to detect. However, CT scan and ultrasound is a better choice,"

27 October 2010

Know the ins and outs of sensitive spot in women

Sexual intercourse is very high quality can be created. Know the ins and outs of sensitive point that is able to stimulate the couple became one of the tricks. For women, try to be more active. Ask husband browse sensitive areas that could stimulate sexual arousal. However, it could be, you do not realize where that sensitive area? Perhaps, the area is in one of these points.

1. Area above the pubic
Couples can try to explore the area above the pubic hair grows. Medical Director of the Center for Sexual Medicine in California, Michael Krychman MD, CM, said that this area can provide a sense of fun to you if touched. To obtain a more pleasant sensation, apply a botanical oils are made to provide stimulation and sensitivity effects. You do not need to be embarrassed to ask the couple. According to research at Indiana University, women who think more positively of the body particularly sensitive area that is very personal, more often have an orgasm.

2. Behind knee
You can be tickled if this area is touched. However, this area is precisely the sexual hot spot that is almost forgotten. If touched in a way that "true", this section could be a point that is able to evoke erotic arousal. Ask your husband to kiss, give a gentle massage with lotion, or even a soft bite.

3. Stomach
For some women, massage in the abdominal area can give an erotic experience. Amy Levine, sex therapist in New York, said that in some cases, women can even reach the point of orgasm with abdominal exercise. Moving this sport into the mattress can make it easier for women to reach the culmination of sexual abuse, is not it?

4. Area head
You enjoy a certain sensation when creambath in the salon, right? Try asking the husband to do something similar at home, but more on sexual activity. Ask him to give a gentle massage in the area of braincase. This area is surrounded by a nerve that provides sensitivity to the touch. Some experts say, giving a massage in the area of the head to help relieve tension and improving blood circulation.

24 October 2010

Osteoporosis Drugs Cause Broken Bones?

Supervisory Agency United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently issued a warning to the drugs used to prevent brittle bones or osteoporosis because it can increase the risk of fractures. The FDA added that all bisphosphonate drugs in this class must menyantumkan warning on the label that the drug has an unusual side effect.

For information, bisphosphonates be given to more than half a million patients in an effort to strengthen bones and reduce fracture risk. In the UK, only a bisphosphonate drug, alendronate that is suspected of including in the warning. However, authorities are still researching to make sure the truth.

Nearly three million people in the UK have osteoporosis. This causes the brittle bone condition is also about 230 thousand people suffer a fracture each year

21 October 2010

Which is Better, Sleep Facing Left or Right?

The position of sleep a person usually does not change and become his trademark. The most relaxing sleep is facing to the right or left. From this two-way direction of sleep where the most good?
As quoted from the NYTimes, in general, doctors will advise people sleep on so the gravitational force can be maintained to keep the stomach contents.
Many believe the right facing side sleeping better than facing the left, because it can protect the heart of the downtrodden or depressed position of other organs.
But it was not always so. Sleep facing left can provide benefits to health, especially in people who have stomach acid disorders.
The evidence suggests that sleep position facing to the left is very important for people who have stomach acid disorders, such as the emergence of a sense of burning heat in the stomach (heartburn), because the wrong position can make stomach acid into the esophagus and lead to insomnia.
In contrast several studies have found that sleep is facing to the right will worsen the condition mentioned above, whereas if facing left can help calm.
For people with stomach disorders, sleep facing right makes esophageal sphincter (the channel between the stomach and esophagus), weakens that make stomach acid up into the esophagus so that makes burning in the stomach.
In contrast to people with stomach disorders, sleep on his left face will make the connection between the stomach and the esophagus does not open despite high levels of stomach acid. The results of this study was reported in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.
In another study that appeared in The American Journal of Gastroenterology suggests that sleep on his side to the right for people with stomach will increase stomach acid and the esophagus require a longer time to eliminate them.
So if you suffer from stomach acid or insomnia, someone suggested sleep on their faces left to sleep more soundly.

19 October 2010

herbal teas

You must be careful to consume herbal teas. Allegedly, herbal teas contain sibutramine harmful. Herbal drinks are marketed as a function of losing weight, but had been withdrawn in Europe and the United States market. This report Agency for Drugs and Health Products USA (MHRA), which released recently.

Research on tea and capsule Payouji Pai You Guo Slim conducted by the British Board of Supervisors disclose herbal medicine contain sibutramine which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Because of that, herbal withdrawn from U.S. and European markets since January 2010.

Sibutramine was first approved as a drug antiobesitas in 1997. However, recent research data shows the rate of heart attacks and strokes are very high among people who take sibutramine.

British Drug Administration said any product containing sibutramine is considered dangerous for human health. The content not only increases the risk of high blood pressure, seizures, heart attack or stroke. But it also may interfere with other medicines work.

16 October 2010

garlic oil may ward off heart disease

Garlic oil can prevent cardiomyopathy and may help prevent heart disease. Thus the results of research published in 'Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry', as quoted from Natural News.

Cardiomyopathy is a type of heart disease is responsible for the deaths due to diabetes. Previous studies have shown garlic supports cardiovascular health.

The new study reveals in particular how the plant tubers help diabetics with cardiomyopathy. Wei-Wen Kuo and colleagues at the university fed diabetic rats with corn oil and garlic oil.

They observed that rodent health condition in connection with the two treatments. They found that garlic increase antioxidant enzyme, reducing heart inflammation and stop the death of cells. Also preserve the integrity of cardiac tissue is very important.

"Garlic oil has the potential to keep the heart from diabetes causes of cardiomyopathy," the researchers said.

13 October 2010

maintain heart health

World Heart Federation (World Heart Federation / WHF) estimates that cardiovascular disease will be a major cause of death in Asia in 2011. Therefore, it is expected that with the launching of the program "Healthy Indonesia 2011" by the Ministry of Health of Indonesia, the death rate from heart disease could be reduced to the lowest limit.

Surely not difficult to reduce the risk of heart disease threat. For starters, you can follow some tips below:
1. Adjust your dieta. Try eating more foods such as rice, vegetables (green beans, spinach, etc.), fruits, fish, whole grains and yogurt.b. Reduce intake of foods such as milk, cheese and nuts. Add garlic to your recipes.c. Eating foods that contain beta-carotene such as carrots, cabbage and root crops.d. Reduce sodium intake, no more than 1 1 / 4 teaspoon salt in a day. Eat meals regularly. Drinking enough water. Change the habit of drinking coffee with tea.
2. Changing patterns and lifestylea. Exercise regularly. In the beginning, to selected types of mild to moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walking, or bike that carried at least 30 minutes three to five times a week. Get used to using the stairs every want to go up to higher floors.b. Take advantage of every opportunity to perform physical activity. If you drive a motor vehicle, try to park a little farther from your destination so you get used to walking.c. Do chores such as sweeping, mopping, cleaning the house in addition to your sport. Maintain your ideal body weight.d. Stop smoking and avoid alcohol.e. Get plenty of rest. Adjust your daily activity schedule to avoid stress.f. Do it a useful exercise to reduce stress such as relaxation therapy, yoga and meditation. Much laughter is good medicine.
3. Check with your health regularlya. Know history of heart disease and blood vessels in your family tree.b. Perform regular medical check ups, including in it is to monitor blood pressure and cholesterol your body.
4. Take medications that are prescribed by a doctor for your
5. Give and receive affection from the people you care about
Try applying some basic tips above in your daily life, for the most appropriate treatment for heart disease is actually prevents heart disease itself. (LUC)

10 October 2010

Coffee good for heart

Results of two studies published by the Annals of Internal Medicine good news for coffee lovers. After analyzing the records of nearly 130,000 people for over 20 years of his life, researchers claim that drinking coffee is fine, even allowed in large numbers. And maybe, drinking coffee good for your heart.
Good effect to show more heart in women than, although in men who drank more coffee is better effects than taking sedikit.Namun, researchers are still not ready to declare that coffee may increase heart health. Because they need to know the other factors that could affect their observations, so pelu further research.
While awaiting the results of further research, at least now you do not have to worry anymore to drink coffee

08 October 2010

That afternoon sleep Very Good For Heart Health

People are not aware, sleep for a moment during the lunch break to help reduce the risk of death, especially in the able-bodied young men. Greek scientists who conducted research for six-year period mentioned nap for about 30 minutes at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of impaired heart disease.

The experts expressed naps help people to relax and reduce their stress levels, even smaller heart problems found in the country who regularly take a nap, although some studies show different results.

Research conducted in Greece was performed on 23 681 prua and women in the age range 20 to 86 years. The participants have a good health record, no history of heart disease and other acute illnesses.

In a six-year study, the participants were asked details about their siesta hour, their eating habits and regular physical activity they do.

As a result, the researchers said those who napped had a lower risk of suffering from heart problems as much as 34 percent than those who did not nap.

While those who napped for more than 30 minutes for three or more in each week has a record 37 percent lower heart disorder.

Afternoon Sleep At noon PekerjaTidur also reduce the risk of heart problems in the workers, where about 64 percent decreased risk of heart risk of death. While unemployment in men, accounting for only about 36 percent.

In this study, the comparison is not so much found the death rate in women.

"Nap and vascular disorders have a significant relationship. Phenomenon is found in countries that the majority of the population is undergoing routine periodic naps, and the result is the death rate due to the disruption of blood vessels is very low," said lead investigator Dr. Dimitrios Trichopoulos, Harvard School of Public Health, as quoted by the BBC on Monday (2/12/2007).

Trichopoulos also added, although various studies of napping is often done with different results, but there are important points that can be drawn from this study, namely: we become aware of health and limit one's ability to control their physical activity.

The same thing also be said June Davison, health nurse from the British Heart Foundation, which states nap penyaki help reduce the risk of heart disease, especially in the male workers.

"Nap in the midst of hours of rest helps us to relax and escape the burden for a moment, and it was very berrarti for our health. What we must remember is to balance rest and activity," said Davison.

Davison also added those who are easily stressed because the work tends to reckless with their health behaviors, such as excessive smoking, eating unhealthy foods, drink alcoholic beverages and even forget to exercise. This has further increased the risk of heart problems.

The program has been ogled nap Yarde Metals, aluminum and iron industry has a special room for workers nap in their offices, in Southington, Connecticut. Nap room has two leather sofas, soft pillows, dim lighting and an alarm clock.

"Although only a little nap, but I can go back to collect the energy and make the body fit. I think naps should begin to get used in the routine of our jobs," says Mark Ekenbarger, Yarde Metals Company engineers, who suffered pembesaraan arteries and should routinely undergo upper nap heart doctor's advice.
"Nap itself is not a habit in America, because the same napping with laziness in the business world with high mobility. But now, several offices in the United States began to allow time for a nap for 30-40 minutes during the lunch break, and the results are those who utilize naps become more productive, "said Bill Anthony, psychological, Boston University and author of" The Art of Napping at Work

06 October 2010

healthy cycling

Antiquity as the mode of transportation has not semoderen now, not a strange things when we see a bicycle passing by on the street. And we see the ancient people relatively more healthy than people today. Although they rarely exercise, but their habit of walking or using bicycles to go to a place indirectly represents one form of exercise.
Now it is rare to see a bicycle passing on the highway. Mode of transportation has been abandoned because it was replaced by motorcycles, cars or other modern modes of transportation. However, the presence of bicycles have not disappeared. With more conscious of people with healthy lifestyles, bicycles now switch roles from the previous mode of transportation to sporting goods.
As a sport, cycling is reliable. "He had two functions at once, endurance and strength training, 'said dr. Nani Cahyani Sudarsono, Sp.KO, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine).
Based on its function, exercise can be divided into two major groups.
The first group, exercise used to train the endurance of heart and lungs. This is usually referred to endurance sports. The easiest example of aerobics, jogging, and walking. These exercises are categorized as endurance for burning calories, accompanied by increased activity of the heart pumps blood, and the activities of the lungs to supply oxygen.
The second group. Exercises that train certain muscles. Usually known as strength training. For example, the exercise raised dambel. The focus of this exercise the muscles of the arm.
So if you look at by grouping it clear that the cycling sport into two groups. With the pedals, vascularization and oxygenation increases. The heart was pumping more active, the lungs work harder. In addition, when boost pedal with a strong, thigh muscles and surrounding areas can also be well trained.
Happy cycling.

03 October 2010

A Few Things About Nutrition and Health

There are some things you may not know about nutrition and health:

1. Stress and eating; most people who experience stress, especially anxiety tend to increase appetite, especially eating sweet and fatty foods.
2. Food for healthy bones, in addition to high calcium milk, a number of other nutrients are also good for your bones include cheese, yogurt, beans, green vegetables, salmon and sardines.
3. Seasonings anti-infective; protein, vitamins and minerals is essential to increase endurance. Around the kitchen you can find a number of anti-infective herbs namely, garlic, shallots, onions and scallions.
4. The reality of bottled juice, an average of juice sold in packs containing only 10 to 25% real fruit juice. So far as possible drink the juice made from fresh fruit.
5. Advantages eat oranges; one citrus fruit provides vitamin C intake is more than necessary in a day. In addition there is excess of 10% content of folic acid, potassium and fiber. Now for your endurance high, eat oranges every day.
6. Fat-burning foods, according to research by Dr. Neal Barnard is a number of nutritious foods for burning body fat that is pineapple, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, broccoli, spinach, potatoes and peppers.
7. Another benefit of vitamin C; consume food or drink containing vitamin C along with other foods will increase the absorption of iron from food.
8. Early anti-aging antioxidants, vegetables and fruit a strong color such as dark green, red, orange, yellow contains various substances the body needs for healthy, carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin yellow substance rich in antioxidants to prevent premature aging.

01 October 2010

find out the cause of headache

Most people never feel what is called a headache, even the data shows that nearly 90% of people never get headaches once or twice a year. Even the headaches become the second largest reason why people visit the doctor.
Headaches have a variety of species and also a variety of causes. To determine how the handling course, we should know some types of headaches include:

1. Migraine headaches or headaches. Called such because of migraine always felt on one side of the head. The cause is usually due to hormonal changes and therefore usually migraine is more prevalent in women.
2. Headache due to allergies. These symptoms are often accompanied with symptoms of runny nose, sore throat and watery eyes. The appearance can be caused by certain foods cause or anything that can cause allergies.
3. Tension headaches. In starting with the tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulder and tengkorang as a result of emotional pressure. The pain always started from the back of his head, creeping forward, then to both sides of the head.
4. Sinus headaches. It comes as a result of the sinus. Symptoms are easy to be known. Clogged nostril one or both of them and the pain will spread to the upper cheeks and forehead. The parts are going to hurt when touched.
5. Headaches with a variety of symptoms. This disorder occurs mainly in men. Symptoms include unusual pain and is generally focused around the eye socket with watery eyes and runny nose.
6. Post-traumatic headaches. It often comes as a result of an accident, although only slightly injured in the head. The pain sometimes occurs after weeks or months after injury and may last up to a year after the trauma.
7. In addition to the specific cause headaches, there are also headaches that arise solely as a secondary symptom of the condition of the body was not right and requires medical treatment.
The symptoms below may be used as a guide for action to overcome headache:

1. If pain is felt more severely in the morning rather than during the day, the signs of high blood pressure.
2. If the pain head on barengi with pain in the eyes, ears or teeth, usually show any symptoms of infection.
3. Headaches that occur after reading too long or using sensory activity in the long term vision, a sign something is wrong in your eyes.
4. Tumors, stroke, or it may be difficult to sleep can be a cause of sudden headache is very painful. As a result, the body feels weak and accompanied by blurred vision. This headache often begins as a small and increasingly severe pain in the morning. Examination required as soon as possible to determine the cause.
5. If a headache accompanied by fever and stiff neck, chances are you stricken with meningitis. Medical treatment is needed.
6. If the headaches appear suddenly and very painful, a sign of arterial blood vessels in the brain to rupture. It can be life threatening. Medical management should be done immediately.

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