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30 September 2010

Benefits of Pure Water

It is undeniable that water is a vital substance needed by our bodies, 80% of our body consists of water, even our body organs are composed of more than 80% water, the brain consists of 90% and 95% of blood consists of water. Unfortunately, water can not be produced in our bodies, therefore the body must get the water intake from the outside to keep the body's metabolism so as not to interfere.
So many benefits of water for our bodies, so we must maintain existing water levels in our bodies by consuming water in accordance with the needs of our bodies. Some of the benefits of water for our bodies, among others:
1. Help expedite our digestive system
Digestive processes in our bodies will be greatly assisted by the water that goes into our bodies, so that digestive disorders like constipation problems can be avoided.
2. Water can help slow the growth of cancer-triggering substances and prevent the emergence of liver disease and kidney stones and water makes the body more energy.
3. Beauty care skin
To obtain beautiful skin, should be treated either from outside or from within the body. Treatment from the outside to always keep the skin clean and keep the humidity. While care of in one of which was obtained from the water we consume. If we consume less water, the body will absorb the water in the skin so the skin is dry and wrinkled. Therefore we must always keep the water intake into our bodies.
4. Ease of kidney (renal Healthy)
Kidneys have the function to filter out substances that are not used by the body is filtered through the blood. Lack of water in the blood will make the blood curdle and will make the kidneys work harder because they have to filter the gore, in a long time will cause damage to our kidneys.
5. Increasing the brain works
Brain cells is one body part in need of food and oxygen in large numbers, where those foods come through the blood. With a thick blood condition due to lack of water will cause the brain cells do not get food and oxygen intake in an optimal and this will reduce the power of the brain. And vice versa if the blood flow smoothly to the brain, the intake of food and oxygen to the brain will be more optimal as well and this will increase the power of our brains work.
How does our body's need for water per day? Water that comes out of our bodies in the form of urine and sweat may reach 1 liter per day, yet the water that comes out through the process of respiration. The experts suggest that the intake of water into our bodies at least 2 liters per day, if you include a person who often berkeringan the need for water will be more than 2 liters.
With so many health benefits of water for us, not hurt us always keep the water intake into our bodies for our own health. Do not drink before feeling thirsty emerges is the wrong habits, because thirst is a sign that our bodies are short of water.

28 September 2010

Meet the needs Calcium, Fiber and Iron is important

From the results of several studies indicate that the need for calcium, fiber, and iron in women is often not met. The result will lead to deficiencies that would lead to heart disease, cancer, and bone fragility.
To meet the shortage of substances mentioned above, should you need to consume foods such as:

1. non-fat yogurt or skim milk - at least you akanmendapatkan third of the content of calcium per day in one cup. Calcium to build and maintain bone health.
2. citrus fruit - to help combat diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin C, because citrus fruits contain folic acid, which is a vitamin that can prevent birth defects and heart disease.
3. salmon - are the main source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack.
4. brown rice - a source of fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, and iron
5. nuts - a source of fiber and low fat protein. Soybeans can also reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart disease.
6. dark green vegetables, red, yellow, and orange, such as spinach, carrots, squash, and peppers prevent you from cancer and heart disease.
7. oatmeal - a source of iron and fiber

25 September 2010

A good diet

All living things need food. Moreover, the human as a creature of the most perfect of course, need food to get energy source, maintaining the body's resilience in the face of attacks and disease to grow flowers. Of course, in order to realize these foods with good usability could not be any food that is eaten. Especially in this day and age many diseases caused by the wrong diet. Therefore we certainly have to know how healthy eating it.
To obtain a healthy diet that at least there are 3 criteria that should we meet, among others:
1. The amount of food we eat
We must balance the amount of calories in the amount of energy we spend. If the number of calories in is greater than the energy we spend, we will be overweight.
In addition to the amount, must be balanced like karbohidratsebanyak komposisipun 60-70%, protein of 10-15%, 20-25% as much fat, vitamins and minerals (A, D, E, K, B, C, and Ca).
2. Type of food we eat
Type of food we eat must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat and specific nutrients.
Can we meet the complex carbohydrates from wheat, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. Select high-fiber carbohydrates and less carbohydrates derived from sugar, syrup and sweet foods. Consumption of sweet foods at most 3-5 tablespoons per day.
Body's need for fiber by more than 25 grams per day. To fulfill diajurkan to consume fruits and vegetables.
Protein consumption should be complete between vegetable and animal protein. Source of vegetable protein derived from soybeans, tempeh and tofu, while animal protein comes from fish, meat (beef, chicken, buffalo, goat).
The human body also needs fat, but excessive fat consumption would result in a negative, for it is advisable not to overdo the fat consumed.
Source of vitamins and minerals found in vitamin A (liver, milk, carrots, and vegetables), vitamin D (fish, milk, and egg yolks), vitamin E (oil, beans, and soybeans), vitamin K (broccoli, spinach and carrots), vitamin B (wheat, fish, milk, and eggs), and calcium (milk, fish, and soybeans).
3. Schedule meals
Have regular eating schedule, it's better to eat in small amounts but frequently and regularly than eat meals a lot but not regularly.
While the Directorate of Community Nutrition of the Republic of Indonesia issued General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition as follows:

1. Eat a variety of foods
2. Eat food to meet energy sufficiency
3. Eat half of the carbohydrate source of energy needs
4. Limit your intake of fats and oils up to a quarter of the energy needs
5. Use iodized salt
6. Eat the food sources of iron
7. Give only breast milk to babies until the age of four months
8. Make a habit of eating breakfast
9. Drink clean water, adequate amount of safe
10. Do physical activity and regular exercise
11. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
12. Eat foods that are safe for health
13. Read the labels on packaged foods.
One indicator of whether our diet is balanced or not is by using the Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine the ideal weight that you can measure here.
By knowing a healthy diet as above expect that we can always keep our body health.

22 September 2010

What causes kidney herbs Damage?

Herbal medicine is one legacy of ancestors Grandma Indonesia where herbal medicine is an alternative medicine made from plants are efficacious against the health and beauty.
Maybe once we heard that the use of herbal medicine in the long term causes kidney damage? Actually, the basic ingredient of herbal medicine derived from plants and herbs which have efficacy as a medicine or other health benefits. The problem now is with the more modern times, herbs have become a major industry in this country, where herbal medicine manufacturers are competing to sell products to consumers in various ways. Consumers are also increasingly facilitated by the form of this herb. Herb now has no bitter taste, because there is already a form of pills and drank way also be a lot easier.
Supposed medicinal ingredients are 100% natural ingredients, but because the development of herbal medicine industry is causing manufacturers to add the chemicals into products such as dyes, preservatives and even chemical drugs.
The addition of these chemical substances that cause consume herbal medicine in the long term causes kidney damage. Even the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency found many herbs that contain many chemicals that are harmful to health.
Therefore it is wise in consuming herbal medicine, what more in the long term.

16 September 2010

Hair care

Every person must have the type of hair is different, there is an oily, dry, curly, etc. where each type of hair require different treatments as well.
Hair look limp, looks shiny oily, dandruff is a typical kind of greasy hair. The tips below are ways to care for oily hair:

1. Often hair brush with seldom-toothed comb to keep the scalp healthy.
2. Massage scalp regularly to control the circulation of sebum or oil production.
3. Put powder on the scalp and hair immediately brush to flatten powder.
4. Use a gentle shampoo formulated, which can be used every day to avoid excess oil production.
5. Avoid the use of conditioner that actually add extra oil and incriminating hair
6. Choose a foam or mousse for hair because it contains no oil
7. Eliminate dandruff with shampoos that contain sulfur which is useful to remove dandruff
8. Use lime juice once a month on the scalp. Your scalp is guaranteed fresh and safe from excessive oil production.

13 September 2010

maintain healthy feet

We have organs that are often forgotten to take care of him. organ that is a foot. In fact, from the foot is also often arise problems that interfere with the foot in line with neglect of health, such as soles of the feet which are cracked or even foot odor.
Here are some simple steps to maintaining healthy feet:

1. Perform periodic inspection of the condition of the foot to see if there are changes in the feet. Consider whether the nails thicken, or pale (which could indicate a fungus) and the cracks or tear in the skin which is an indication foot athlete's foot problem.
2. Clean regularly while showering or bathing. Do not forget to clean the sidelines of the feet and nails and do not forget to drain it.
3. Choose comfortable shoes, use shoe that fits and allows the foot to breathe.
4. Avoid the outdoors without the use of shoes. Bare feet are more susceptible to injury and infection, so secure the legs to remain shod.
5. Change socks periodically, to avoid the emergence of fungi and bacteria that cause the appearance of foot odor.
6. Tell your doctor every time you experience foot health problems of leg pain. If you have diabetes, foot check-up schedule once a year.
By considering the tips above we will obtain a beautiful and healthy legs.

11 September 2010

organs could be a sign of disease in your body

Lately, many diseases that come suddenly and be fatal, even cause death. Everyone would not want a fatal incident that happened to her. Hence, to prevent it, you should be able to detect the disease early. Moreover, all diseases have symptoms, it's just, you probably feel less observant.
In fact, not difficult to detect the disease early. You can take advantage of health equipment (medical supplies), which is now available on the market. One of them Vscan from General Electrics (GE) of Indonesia. GE claims this device can help detect diseases earlier, such as cardiovascular disorders.
In addition to using medical equipment, you also can detect the disease in a way more simple. Namely, with a view without signs of physical changes in your body. Physical changes can you look through beberaga organs, such as nails, eyes, tongue, skin, or hair.
The parts of the body that can reveal exactly what disease you have. "Physical changes become clues to find disease that potentially interfere with your body," said Marganda, experts kehatan from Omni International Hospital Alam Sutera.
Through the nail, for example, you can detect several symptoms of the disease. Yellow nail nmengindikasikan have liver disorders or infection, and abnormalities in liver. While the base of the nail that is blue indicating symptoms of heart disease.
Other diseases that can be detected is anemia or deficiency of red blood cells. If this disease, the nail will look pale. In addition to nails, you also must be aware of toenails. Blue toenails indicate your lungs have suffered lack of oxygen or poisoning.
The eyes can also help you detect the disease. For example, a reddened eye irritation may indicate conditions that interfere with vision. But, you also can detect some other disease. For example, red eye without pain is an indication that your chances of wormy disease, mild allergies, thyroid, tumor, even HIV / AIDS. If it comes with great pain, it is possible, you are subject to rheumatism.
Eye, tongue, and hair
High cholesterol levels can also be detected by eye. The sign is a red eye with a white circle around the cornea. While the white lining of the yellow ball and protruding eyes could be a sign of hypertensive disease.
Shape and color of tongue can also indicate the presence of a disease. Tongue with thick white layers indicate thypus disease. But if the lining berawarna yellow indicates the condition is excessive body heat. "Purple tongue can mean less blood circulation smoothly," added Suhanto, Head of Health Services Mediros Hospital, Jakarta.
Stress can also be detected from the tongue. Typically, the tip of the tongue of the stress, anxiety, or anxious light colored.
Other organs that could indicate the disease is hair. But, the disease can be detected with hair condition is usually caused by poor nutrition.
"Usually this occurs in children," said Suhanto again. In this case, the hair change color to yellow, thin body, but bloated stomach. When no weight is weighed according to age.

09 September 2010

Effect of Soap on Skin Health

Soap is an integral part of our daily lives. Skin health depends strongly on the choice of soap products we choose. The more alkaline the soap the worse the effect on the skin. So, pay attention to their product profile first before dropping the option of soap for your skin.
Skin is the first defense against all elements from outside the body, such as microorganisms, wind and pollutants. On the surface there are skin acid mantle structure. Acid mantle is a layer of acidic film on the skin surface that serves to protect the skin. This layer plays an important role as an integral part of the protective function of the stratum corneum.
Cleaning the skin with soap or detergent can cause a loss of acid mantle. Repeatedly washing the stratum corneum and alter the function of protection, including the pH of the skin. If the acid mantle becomes damaged, or missing acidity, the skin becomes more vulnerable to damage and infection.
Acidity Skin and Normal Skin Normal skin surface acidity is between 4 to 6.5 in healthy people, although varies from one skin with another skin. In a study in India carried out the measurement of skin surface pH of 55 brown-skinned (Indian) consisting of 30 men and 25 women aged 12-58 years in the forehead and behind the wrist. The average skin pH value forehead and back of the wrist is 5.51 + - 0.032 and 5.56 + - 0.040 for men. The value of women is 5.73 + - 0.032 and 5.84 + - 0,28.1. The study also found that the pH of the skin does not depend on age. Male skin significantly slightly more acidic than the female and the average value of skin pH in the forehead and back of the wrist did not differ significantly in men, whereas in women a significant difference of 5%.
Factors Affecting the Skin Surface pH There are some skin and systemic diseases that increase the pH of the skin surface. Skin diseases are eczema, atopic dermatitis, xerosis, and lamellar ichthyosis. Systemic disease that is diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, and end-stage renal failure. Exogenous factors that interfere with the skin surface pH cleaners: soap, detergents, moisturizers, topical irritants, and topical antimicrobials (acne medication).
Acidity Effect on Skin Products Items are often used to keep the pH is cleaning agent (cleanser). There are three main categories for cleaning agents are soaps, synthetic detergents, and fat-free cleaning agents. Soap makes the skin more alkaline than synthetic detergents. Cleaners tend to give effect to the skin through several streets of disruption of bacterial flora and pH, moisture, and irritation.
In the skin there is acid mantle structure that protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infections. Mantel acid lactic acid and various amino acids from sweat, sebum free fatty acids, and amino acids and karboksilik pyrolidine of skin kornifikasi process.
Soap is marketed in the community has a pH value of 7 to 9.2 pH soap can increase the skin's surface. The more neutral and alkaline soap will make the skin relatively more alkaline, which invites the growth of Propionibacterium. Total Propionibacteria significantly associated with skin pH 14. Therefore it is better to use soap with a pH lower, especially for people prone to acne. Keeping the skin's pH is very important to control the amount of bacteria on the skin surface in patients with acne.
It has been mentioned earlier that the pH of cleaning materials, including soap to give effect to the skin moist. Gehring et al. reported that the emulsion various components with a value of pH 7.5 has a drying effect on skin than the same emulsion with pH 4.5. So the soap which has a high pH in addition to increasing the growth of bacteria Propionibacterium also increasingly making the skin dry.
Potential irritants of cleaning agent depends on several factors one of which the pH. Acid cleaners less irritating than the cleaners who are neutral and alkaline, and those who are vulnerable to dry skin is recommended to use acidic cleaners.

06 September 2010

Tv On The Effect of Child Health

Television proved to be a threat to the health of the child's eyes .. The new research found that TV viewing habits in children it also can cause high blood pressure which will increase the risk of heart disease when they are adults.
According to a study of labor between American and Spanish researchers this, children who have a habit of watching TV for 90 to 330 minutes a day proved to have a blood pressure of systole and diastole of 5 to 7 points higher than children who only watch TV less from 1.5 hours a day. The children in this study an average of 3 to 8 years old.
American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that its own previous children aged under 2 years should not watch TV at all, while for children aged atasnya only encouraged to watch TV for 1 to 2 hours a day, as quoted by news yahoo recently.
So, why watch TV to improve children's blood pressure?
The researchers tried to give some explanation, such as TV viewing habits are often followed by enjoying healthy snacks that are not particularly high in salt can increase blood pressure. And usually these foods may be exhausted in less time when done while watching TV.
In addition, TV viewing habits conducted to bedtime can make a child's mind remained stimulated, enough to keep them awake and lose precious time sleeping as much as several hours. According to previous research, the cutting of a good bedtime can lead to increased body weight and risk of hypertension, because your metabolism does not have enough opportunity to work to improve themselves.
The content of TV programs also have long term adverse effect on kekid tvsehatan children. At the age at which children are forming their eating habits, TV commercials, mostly serving unhealthy foods can significantly affect their eating habits and will stick in their minds to grow up

03 September 2010

Stay for Healthy Eyes

The eyes are a very vital organ in all daily activities. Therefore, it's good to maintain eye health. How do I? Surely you've often heard the advice to add a rich carrot consumption of vitamin A.
To help keep the window of your soul, here are some other simple tips that can be your guide.
Make sure the eyes examined at least 2 years. Being of children and the elderly should do the inspection every year. Early detection of vision disorders will certainly facilitate the treatment.
Read and berkerjalah under good light illumination. To avoid glare and shadows, make sure that the light falls through the shoulder.
Rest your eyes every 30 minutes at least once while you read, sew, use computers and the like, or when looking up and focus on distant objects.
Make sure if your computer screen and television is very focused.
Use protective goggles whenever you use chemicals, working on matters related to the timber, or when running the tools that are driven by electric power.
Wear protective glasses sport a resilient during sports that require protection, such as tennis indoors.
Be sure to wear sunglasses when exposed to hot sun.
Wear protective goggles while swimming in a chlorinated pool or in water that is not guaranteed cleanliness.
Do not Do
Avoid look directly at the sun, things that may really want you to do at the eclipse. Sunlight on a very dim even can cause severe and permanent damage. Not only sunlight, avoid looking directly at bright light or shiny.
Do not rub the eye to remove foreign objects that may enter. Try to blink your eyes and wash your eyes with cold water. If not successful, it is worth seeing a doctor

01 September 2010

8 Ways Easy to Maintain Eye Health

Do your eyes feel tired and sore after working all day? Modern lifestyle causes stress on the body and our eyes among the most affected.
But certainly do not have to like this. Learn easy ways you can do for the eyes and your eyes will feel and look better in just a few days. 

1. Check your eyes every 12 months  

Untreated vision problems will grow worse, and wearing contact lenses or glasses that are no longer suitable for you can cause vision problems and headaches. 

2. In summer, wear glasses  

UV rays can create serious damage to eyes. Good sunglasses can prevent this. When buying sunglasses, make sure that can reflect at least 98% of UV radiation. 

3. Eat good nutrition for you and your eyes 

 Recent studies show that vitamin and antioxidant group can prevent, or at least slow the growth of macular degeneration and cataracts. Good nutrition for the body is also good for the eyes. 

4. If you read or work using a computer, make sure the light is right  

Working with low light can cause eyestrain, but light is too bright nor good. The direction of light works best when using a computer is of a soft luminous table lamp from the side. Reduce levels of light (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eye will be more comfortable.
5. Rest your eyes Almost all people feel their eyes are not so comfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blinks 25% less than normal, causing dry eye. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. Another was turned away from the screen and focus on a distant object, as often as possible. 

6. Find a contact lens with good quality  

Not all contact lenses the same. There are safe for your eyes, and there is also a risk of eye damage. To view the references in the contact lens ( Know what the modern contact lens industry has to offer will help to make wise choices, not simply follow what the doctor said. 

7. If you wear contact lenses, treat well  

Contact lenses are not so troublesome, but you also can not ignore it clean. Every time you use or release your contact lenses, rinse. You also have to replace the fluid, when you put in place when you sleep at night. 

8. Wear contact lenses according to the recommended schedule There are people who berbiat save by wearing contact lenses longer than intended. It's not a good thing. Although kulitas lens will not decrease, the pile proteins can obscure your vision. Another thing to consider is, the longer you wear your contact lenses, the higher your risk of eye infection.

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