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28 September 2010

Meet the needs Calcium, Fiber and Iron is important

From the results of several studies indicate that the need for calcium, fiber, and iron in women is often not met. The result will lead to deficiencies that would lead to heart disease, cancer, and bone fragility.
To meet the shortage of substances mentioned above, should you need to consume foods such as:

1. non-fat yogurt or skim milk - at least you akanmendapatkan third of the content of calcium per day in one cup. Calcium to build and maintain bone health.
2. citrus fruit - to help combat diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin C, because citrus fruits contain folic acid, which is a vitamin that can prevent birth defects and heart disease.
3. salmon - are the main source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack.
4. brown rice - a source of fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, and iron
5. nuts - a source of fiber and low fat protein. Soybeans can also reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart disease.
6. dark green vegetables, red, yellow, and orange, such as spinach, carrots, squash, and peppers prevent you from cancer and heart disease.
7. oatmeal - a source of iron and fiber


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