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02 November 2010

Identify differences in typhoid and dengue fever since the early

Children aged 2.5 years are very rarely affected by typhoid, typhus and even when exposed to a serious course. Because of typhus usually occurs in children over 4 years. Complaints typhus is heat up and down over a week, and heat especially at night. Usually accompanied by digestive disorders in the form of constipation.

The laboratory is a tool of investigation, if only rely on laboratory results, laboratory results sometimes miss. It must be remembered too many diseases with symptoms similar to typhoid fever and is usually a doctor will carefully assess the disease from the clinical approach and laboratory assistance. If the medicine appropriately and parents are also involved will be recovered.

The opinion is not wrong. Even so, it does not mean the baby is free from attacks. Typhus is an infectious disease that always exist in society (endemic), ranging from infant to adult. The cause is bacteria Salmonella typhi. These germs are easily spread, especially in ground water that poor sanitary conditions.

Transmission of typhus usually occur through food that is less clean. In breastfed babies, when he was 6 months upwards, because it was getting complementary foods (solids), if cleanliness when preparing, presenting and giving less attention, children are at risk of developing typhoid fever.

Apart from contaminated food, to baby transmission of typhoid fever can also occur through healthy adults who carry typhoid bacteria (healthy carrier). Carriers of typhoid germs is usually never sick typhoid but did not undergo treatment completely.

Symptoms vary
Different from adults, typhoid difficult to detect in infants. As a result, typhoid diagnosis was not easy. Most babies just cry or fuss when experiencing discomfort.

Not easy to determine the specific symptoms, especially if the fever is only 1-2 days. However, mothers need to suspect typhoid attack if:

- The baby has a fever that go up and down in a long time (more than 5 days) with fever pattern up and down, up in the afternoon or evening, and then usually declined in the morning until noon.

- Experiencing bowel disorders, can be either diarrhea or even difficult bowel movements. This happens because the bacteria that attacks the gastrointestinal tract causing a disturbance that occurred diaere fluid absorption.

- Experiencing "dirty tongue" or the tongue looks white with red tip and edges.

- Experiencing nausea and vomiting. Cause, the germs multiply in the liver and spleen, resulting in swelling that suppress stomach and nausea arises.

In addition to seeing the symptoms, to establish an accurate diagnosis of typhoid fever, the doctor will probably perform various examinations. One of them Widal test. This test also can detect paratifus disease, an illness with symptoms similar to typhoid but lighter.

Treatment of typhoid fever in infants is not much different from the treatment in children or adults. Treatment is to eliminate the invasion of bacteria and speed up elimination of germs, shorten the course of the disease, and accelerate healing.

Doctors also choose appropriate antibiotics for babies. In addition, babies are also encouraged to eat and drink with the nutrient content and a sufficient portion. Cook until soft food. Select materials that do not generate a lot of gas.

Complaints some particulars of patients with typhoid fever rancunya diagnosis of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) emerged in several letters to the media. Patients diagnosed with typhoid fever, and typhus patients diagnosed with dengue. Why is that?

Just as an example the case of Antonio, 9 years old, high fever was 5 days, staying in the area of dengue fever subscription. He complained of not feeling his stomach, dizzy, and his body weak. No coughs and colds. Afraid that dengue fever, his mother took Antonio to the doctor.

Doctors examined, liver palpable Anto slightly swollen, the doctor was suspicious of DHF. Then the doctor asked Anto blood checked to see that possibility.

It turned out that 145 thousand platelet count, Hct (hematocrit) 41, IgG, IgM negative dengue. Seeing the results of his blood at the time the doctor said that Antonio was not dengue.

Estimated doctor (called approximate because it was at the time in the practice room doctors could not diagnose), so just thought it likely that it was just a mere flu virus attacks. Logical if the doctor just said the possibility of flu, because what else can I say?

Therefore, a new fever 5 days, the doctor told if later the fever remains high and appears complaints and signs of dengue fever, his blood lab to be checked again to see if the platelet count to be down and it becomes elevated hematocrit, besides the possibility of IgG, IgM dengue his appears to make sure there is dengue.

Travel Sickness
Although Antonio is still a fever until the tenth day, Antonio's mother did not bring Antony back to his doctor, but to find another doctor. Examined by another doctor found other than liver, spleen Antonio also swollen, and saw her lips dry, red tongue edge and the center covered in white, the doctors got the impression Antonio typhus. New doctors predict if Antony attacked suspected typhoid fever.

After his blood checked for certainty typhus, apparently from blood Widal test Anto O titer was high. Anton almost certainly typhus. Then she told all the neighbors Antonio if physicians who diagnose typhoid Antonio was a great doctor and the doctor who first non-physician handed typhus just cool because it really did not know, even examined the possibility of dengue. Antonio's mother informed attitude?

Medically, the first doctor, he's as good as anything, it can only be limited to these states. Who was his doctor, facing the disease as shown by data loss at that time Antonio medical capability is only up so that.

At the time of new diseases to travel at that level was not a doctor can diagnose if a positive Anto typhus. With only the data that was at that moment there was no medical basis also for the doctor may diagnose DHF.

Doctor Challenges
Such was the fate of all the doctors, whoever he is, if the patient came for a treatment when the disease still has not come out perfect. It should be understood that each disease had its own historical journey, not unlike like the sunrise. At first only appeared on the horizon dim, then gradually emerge little bright dots, and finally seem to have emerged fully.

At twilight sun rising on the horizon that's cool setangan any doctor, could not be said that the sun would appear. As with any charge from a mere tree branches we have to guess at what type of tree.

Fact of life practice, of course doctors should not refuse patients who come when the disease was new. For example, the signpost was written practice: the doctor would only accept patients who have severe pain very well.

However, that's the challenge for every doctor, that becomes complicated when the patient visited a doctor more often when symptoms and signs of the disease are still at the beginning and has not come out all.

While the patients themselves do not want to know what the diagnosis requires the practice room when the doctor yet again to find a medical basis to be able to enforce it. Unfortunately, the more educated the patient, the earlier went looking for a doctor, so the more stupid it seems doctors before patients.

Indeed the more delayed treatment of patients go, just at the time of symptoms and signs of the disease has been increasingly evident, especially when it is fully complete (full blown) like the sun in the morning round, the more fortunate to the doctor because every doctor would know, no doubt, do not expect, or thought- thought, so do not miss the diagnosis because the risk is considered in a position not unlike'm guessing that the existing tree species mangganya fruit. Before the men could not easily guess the mango tree.

When the face of disease has not appeared likely that the role of instincts, the sharpness of the right brain, and doctors can come flying hours differentiate. Here lies the need to have a family doctor, who can continue to monitor the disease progression of patients from time to time, other than his own doctor had known each of the patient's family.

Art Diagnosis

In the medical world, that's really where the fusion of art (art) with science. That the disease is still in early stages, medical opinion every physician should not the same. That's because no diagnostic term employment (working diagnosis), just as the foundation just what needs to be done in managing patients.

That in a matter of hours, according to history of the disease, the diagnosis of labor may change, it's perfectly natural in physician peer environment. Who were not already there abnormal sound in the lungs, but a few hours later came the sound of pathological, something that naturally happened, so the diagnosis can indeed continue to fluctuate, until a certain stage when symptoms and signs of the disease has appeared out perfect, achieved what known as the definitive diagnosis.

It is a mistake the doctor if the stage was full-blown disease, his doctor (still) wrong diagnosis.

Back to the matter of typhoid fever with dengue, which is of course just a fever. Much like a mouse with the rabbit, the same only his snout, but different ears, fur, and size. So if the new doctor saw the muzzle of the disease, presumably could be mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats would not dare say or would a rabbit. Just when it seemed ears, fur, and large, the doctor would say mice or rabbits.

To be able to look all the figure of the illness is not always enough to just rely on the examination of the practice room. It may be necessary also laboratory examination, imaging, biopsy, or referral to a specialist.

In DHF There Uluhati Pain

Clearly there are differences between typhoid fever with dengue fever:

    * Dengue Fever lasts all day, not just the evening and night like typhus. In typhoid fever, severe headache and usually can occur disturbance of consciousness (delirium or delirium, may mention the name "Grandma" who have died so dikita possessed by evil spirits), the DBD was not slurred. In typhoid fever there is no shock that has not been complications, in DHF can and often shock.

    * In specific DHF there is not pain uluhati ulcer symptoms (nausea and pain in the upper third of the navel with uluhati). In typhus just a bad stomach and constipation. In typhoid, the possibility of dry lips, tongue red and the middle bordered white coated, in DHF with no signs of it.

    * In typhus may have red spots (skin rash), but only in the chest, and it's not like dengue hemorrhagic spots (which, when pressed the red spots do not fade away).

    * Typhoid may occur throughout the month, not seasonally like dengue, do not need the presence of mosquitoes, but often contagious after flooding and in those who ate less clean-drinking (often snack on the roadside), whereas no favoritism DHF want rich, poor, slovenly -no dirty, provided there are no cases of Aedes aegypti and dengue in the neighborhood, most likely infected by dengue.

    * Typhus disease common in Indonesia, and not semematikan like dengue. If untreated and thorough treatment, typhoid is generally recovered. Only one in 20 cases of typhoid menjadicarrier typhoid, and a small part of complicated intestinal treated no leak or infection spreads to the gallbladder. However, a late DHF treated with typhoid or transfusion, often fatal.

    * Typhus easy to handle, do not need to be treated when still in the early days and has not been complications, but dengue is often unexpected if the bleeding is taking place in deep organs, and body condition status of severe hypersensitivity reactions (Remember DBD on a good nutritional worse reaction DHF was compared to the less nutrition), strains classified as malignant vrius her, so go as severe dengue cases, the immediate shock or complications to the brain. Typhoid is usually not such a strange and cheap medicine alone, without always require treatment if still not complications.

    * Preventing typhoid enough to eat, drink cleaner, hand washing habit, and limit fruit snacks cold, cold food, as well as alert to ice that is produced at the factory, duck eggs, turtles, marine products, all hand-held snacks (food handling). Tip against just about get rid of dengue mosquito larvae and adult female mosquitoes in the area being affected, not because dirty food, dirty water, or hooked Karedok.


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