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30 June 2010

10 types of food Healer

Scientists have done penilitin for many years to identify the nutritional benefits of certain foods. They studied proteins, carbohydrates, calories, fats, minerals and vitamins to determine health benefits for the human body.

Here are some foods that provide many benefits to the body, as quoted by the website Methods of Healing.

1. Honey

Research shows that honey contains antibacterial and antiviral. Studies over the mention of honey useful for wound healing and good for digestive health.

2. Green Tea

Research shows that green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Green tea is also believed to help prevent type two diabetes and osteoporosis, and relieve inflammation of the intestine.

3. Walnuts

Eating 1.5 ounces of walnuts every day can be a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

4. Blueberry

Is one of the fruits with high antioxidant levels. The content of substance in it to help slow down aging, reduce the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol, improve motor skills, and support urinary health and eyesight. Blueberries also have anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Pomegranate

As a fruit rich in antioxidants, a study showed that pomegranate helps reduce the risk of heart disease and lowering blood pressure. In fact, help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

6. Spices

Cinnamon helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. Ginger helps to improve digestive health, and contains anti-inflammatory. Benefits of ginger for the prevention of cancer is also being studied. While anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric is believed to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease and reduce the risk of cancer.

7. Yogurt

The best thing is plain yogurt. The content of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B-2 & B-12, and probiotics are known as good bacteria in the gut, digestive system healthy and beneficial immunity. Regular consumption of yogurt is also believed to help lower cholesterol.

8. Dark chocolate

Type of brown offers good benefits for the cardiovascular system as well as protection from cancer. Not only that, eating dark chocolate can also generate a good mood for the emotional and mental health.

9. Salmon

Salmon rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, low calorie, low saturated fat, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Salmon health benefits including prevention of diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer and cardiovascular system healthy.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli is full of vitamins like folic acid, vitamin A, B6 and K. Minerals such as calcium and potassium make it more healthy. Broccoli is considered a healing food that is activated by the phytochemicals indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, helps fight cancer.

27 June 2010

Feeling often electrocuted when Hand knock? Do not underestimate, Danger!

Shock or tingling is due to the existence of an impaired nervous system. Disorders that usually arises is the following:

Radial nerve

When such shock, could be affected is the radial or ulnar nerve. That part is accidentally touched, and there arose a reaction. "Saiful said. Taste like the real shock is not dangerous. But if it continues, would be wary. Because it can cause paralysis or abnormal hand.
Usually this occurs because the radial nerve pinched, or pressed a hard object in the long term.
Examples of behaviors that can lead to drop the hand is put to bed with hands behind head. Or fall asleep while sitting, with the armpit on the back seat.

Ulnar nerve

Meanwhile, if the ulnar nerve is disturbed, can cause the fingers to bend into the palm of the hand you know! Or any other name Claw hand. So, palms resemble bird talons that can not be recovered as usual.
This disorder usually occurs because for too long put your elbows on the table. Also sleep on his side and used his hand to the head. Driving habits of bus drivers or truck also trigger the disorder in the ulnar nerve.
"Because the steering wheel for large vehicles such as trucks or buses that once great khan. So that the hands are often the driver put his hand on the steering wheel in the long term. Well, if it continues, then the hand like shock or tingling. If that happens, well it could be signs of paralysis

Median nerve

For the median nerve disorder is slightly different than the other two, because the median nerve motor function and there is not only a sensory, so disturbed is the taste. Thus, the discomfort associated with the affected nerve is prolonged pain and not paralysis.
Disorders that commonly called the carpal canal syndrome is pain in the fingers and palms. Sometimes too hot and the smaller muscles around it.
Behavior that used to cause a nervous breakdown this is an activity that involves the palms, such as writing, typing, mengulek, rotate the screwdriver, washing, sweeping, knitting and so on.

Peroneus nerve

The next disturbance is paralysis in the legs due to peroneus profundus nerve. Feet be like a chicken leg is a step, ie foot could not tread the ground with a flat or drop foot. The feet also do not have the strength to walk. Become, to step foot was dragged for so it is impossible to walk normally.
This disorder is due to someone used to sit with crossed legs or it could be due to frequent cross-legged for a long time.

How to Treatment
Before treating paralysis due to neurological disorders, either the radial nerve, ulnar, and peroneus profundus, the patient must perform the examination. This examination by EMG or Electromyogram.
For the initial stage, this therapy should be a doctor. But, after that the patient and his family were given training to do therapy at home. Therapy is tailored to the type of paralysis, whether Drop hand, Claw hand, or foot drop. But keep in mind, prior to treatment, treatment should be considered, must be considered whether the paralysis was due to a pinched nerve or due to other causes, such as diabetes or drinking habits. If the last two things do not exist, then examined with EMG.

How to Prevention
Prevention is better than cure. To prevent, you should be aware of the symptoms of shock or tingling. If two things happen, you should immediately perform a certain movement to restore the position of the affected nerve. For each disorder, there are separate ways.

Hand paralysis
To avoid paralysis of the hand after the shock, move your hand up and down. Do it repeatedly until the electric effect is reduced. No need to be hard, but slowly and regularly.

Paralysis of the fingers and palms
To prevent paralysis Claw hand or fingers and the palm, earned after mengulek, rotate the screwdriver, drive, or other activities that use the wrist, to open and close the palm of the hand. Do it slowly.

Leg paralysis
To avoid drop foot or leg paralysis, try to change the position of the feet or hands. Tingling usually occurs from sitting, crossing legs. Well, if you have tingling directly replace the position. Let your feet are numb directly replace the position. Let the tingling legs were left free so that blood flow and nerve back right again, after a while pinned.
Also try to sleep with a great position. Usually, we awaken if the hands or feet tingling in top condition. But it was different when we get drunk. Can not feel anything other than drunk itself. So basically, do not sleep when drunk or rather do not get drunk! because if anything happens during sleep, we can not do anything about it.

Another way to avoid

Typing with the wrists do not touch the table

This certainly can be done if you type in a chair whose height is proportional to the desk and keyboard.

Do not ordinary chin

Besides impressed lazy, these habits can make your hand shock. So is the habit stood beside the table while supporting the body with one hand. It is a habit, so avoid

24 June 2010

Laptop Skin Syndrome Trigger roast

Do you often work with laptops lap until the thigh was hot? If the answer is yes, then you need to be careful because the heat released portable computer that can cause skin syndrome baked.

According to a medical report, activities that make the skin become hot in the long term can lead to scorched skin syndrome resulting in the emergence of black spots on the skin that are exposed to heat.

The report, published in the journal Pediatrics revealed recently a 12-year-old boy experienced skin discoloration on the thighs because of always assuming the laptop to play games. Although the child feel the heat from the right side and left the laptop, but she still assume that device for several hours each day.

Another case that was revealed was a student majoring in law in Virginia who seek drugs to cope with brindle on his leg. According to doctors Kimberley Salkey, every day that students spend about six hours to learn and do the job with the position of the laptop on his lap. "The temperature of handheld computer that reached 51 degrees Celsius," he said.

Although not dangerous, but according Salkey, the heat of this laptop can damage the beauty. "May cause darkening of the skin permanently," he said.

Researcher Andrew and Peter Arnold of the University Hospital Basel suggests that laptop users put pads to prevent exposure of the skin with hot laptop.

As for some laptop manufacturers, like Apple, Hewlett Packard and Dell have given warning in a manual so that users do not put the laptop on your lap or on the skin for a long time because of risk of fire.

21 June 2010

Importance of Tooth Brush Night

           Dental care of children also depends on how the mother helps care for her. What about dental care infants need to be done? DENTAL children numbered twenty. Tigapuluhdua adult teeth. At birth, the baby's jaw contained 44 teeth being formed. Twenty milk teeth, twenty adult teeth, and four bags adult molars. Twenty will come out as the baby teeth (primary dentition). On average the first tooth will come out (eruption) at the age of 7 months which appears as a lower incisor.
            Girls and breast-fed babies faster than the eruption of boys, or who are not breastfed. Tooth eruption also depends on ethnicity, and individual as well. For example, children who have bone disorders, or children with mental keterbelakang, milk tooth eruption is generally too late.
A few months after the first baby teeth followed by upper incisors, lower incisor at the age of one year, the first molars at 14 months, then the second molar After the age of 2 years. Baby teeth are completely out after a child aged 2 years. Baby teeth need to be maintained until permanent teeth come out Age of baby teeth around 6-10 years only. By the time the child was 6 years old, the first milk tooth already dated and replaced by permanent teeth (permanent dentition). The first permanent tooth, the first prageraham. Following incisors, second prageraham, canine, and second molars at the age of 12 years. Last new wisdom tooth eruption between the ages of 18-25 years.
           Each baby teeth is old. Baby teeth naturally should date. When the date prior to its age, will mislead the release of permanent teeth. Composition of the permanent teeth are not as regularly as the milk teeth when milk teeth are dated prior to its age.
           Baby teeth that paved the way for the release of permanent teeth. If the baby teeth were gone, while the teeth are still not mature enough to come out, then the direction of discharge does not follow the path of the milk teeth. So the position of permanent teeth aimlessly. After the adult arrangement child's teeth into similar radial tires.

            For dates on the old milk teeth, the teeth should be treated. Because the outer layer (enamel) of milk teeth are not as strong as permanent teeth, baby teeth easier porous. Tooth decay usually occurs by microbiological and chemical processes.
Residual carbohydrate foods (bread, rice, sweet potatoes, cassava, potato) and sweet-paced, if stuck to the tooth surface will occur the fermentation process. Together with the germs in the oral cavity, forming acid. This lactat acid which will destroy the outer layer of teeth forming caries, or tooth holes. Wiped cotton, rinse, and toothbrushes
               So on the surface of the teeth should not be any leftovers. In particular the carbohydrate, such as biscuits, chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream, and the like. Leaving leftovers means fail to prevent tooth decay. Teeth are porous and not treated, will be destroyed, the date, and ended up as the rest of the root. Infants not yet able to gargle, brush my teeth let alone own. So during infancy, his own mother who helped wipe the surface of your child's teeth with a sterile wet cotton. Each time you finish eating and drinking, get used to wipe the teeth. Toddler dental health is determined by the dental care since the age of the baby.
Once children are able to gargle, get used to him rinse his mouth after every meal and drink. Teach also brushing. Maybe not perfect. Mothers need to guide him to brush teeth correctly.
At an average age of children under five have advanced to brush their own teeth. Get used at least twice a day. In the morning after breakfast, and at night before bed. During the day, and after each meal, at least rinse his mouth.
           Brushing your teeth at night actually far more important than the morning. Why? Therefore during nighttime sleep mouth closed. During the mouth closed, if there are leftovers to the tooth surface, it will last longer lived there. Being during the day, children are still engaged in eating and drinking, so if there is leftover food stuck in tooth surfaces will be washed away by the food and beverages consumed.

          Children who do not brush their teeth at night a greater risk of thinning. Tooth loss and left untreated lead to a black color on the tooth surface. Over time the tooth decay occurs. Then the tooth root infection, gum infection and swollen gums. Next the teeth will be destroyed, damaged prematurely. For toddlers teeth healthy, get used to bite the apple, rose apple, yam, cucumber, and the like. In addition to gear train violence, with fruit biting hard, the tooth surface is cleaned. Similarly obtained during chewing.

         Immediately when starting holes patched. Baby teeth are already starting porous needs to be treated, before the already perforated. For that we need fillings. Occasionally, despite regular brushing, when the seed is less good teeth, teeth can still be porous as well (decalcification).

             By doing a milk tooth fillings, teeth are expected to still be able to survive to age. Thus, he will wait until the time their permanent teeth start to come out. Giving extra calcium alone is only useful during tooth has not come out. Tooth bud formation requires calcium. Useless if the tooth has erupted. When the alleged lack of good quality gear, should be given extra fluoride. Fluorine can be contained in drinking water (tap) and toothpaste. Or in the form of application of fluoride on tooth surfaces every six months.
            Brushing your teeth properly in children should be established. If it is wrong from the start, then be formed brush way that is not true. In principle the entire surface of the tooth does not have that escape from brushing. Often parts of the tooth surfaces that are difficult touched, or difficult to reach, the location of teeth that are often threatened porous. Then seek not just a mere brushing. Moreover Happenings brushing night. Because the night these days the most severe destruction of the teeth are common.

18 June 2010

Requirement of vitamin c

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is needed by the body Because vitamin C has many benefits for our bodies. Besides containing antioxidants as an antidote to free radicals, vitamin C can also boost the immune system in our body, so that our immune system more secure. But lately vitamin C seems to be a trend or lifestyle, especially residents in the city full of busy and tight schedule of their work.          

          For urban residents, vitamin c is the main requirement, as many free radicals from smoke in motor vehicles, cigarettes, or freon from air conditioning. All that makes the body vulnerable to various health problems. Durability and easy decreased free radical attack to make the body's cells are easily damaged and unable to function properly. One result of the rapid process of destruction it is premature skin aging.

          Doses of vitamin C the ideal is 75 milligrams per day. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should certainly take vitamin C greater than the amount earlier. There is also the opinion enough to consume 200 milligrams a day. For people who live with stress or those who live in big cities full of pollution, such as Jakarta, a dose of 500 milligrams is sufficient baik.2010326111841 dose vitamin C Vitamin C For Supplies Or Lifestyle   

          Not everyone is aware and willing to eat a healthy balanced diet. In fact, the habit is not directly guarantee the supply of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in the body adequately. Vitamin c many can we meet our dikehidupan everyday situations, such as vegetables and fruits contain lots of vitamin c. Conditions were then led to various options. For those who lack vitamin intake through natural foods, comes a variety of supplement products as the answer. But too many people have difficulty taking supplements of vitamin C by way of oral (taken), such as patients with gastric disease. So another alternative appears to be taking vitamin supplements c. One option was presented in the form of injections or injections of vitamins.       

          People increasingly interested in trying injections of vitamin C for antioxidant properties of this vitamin. It is widely known that antioxidants are a powerful weapon to suppress free radicals, free radicals malignancy may be influenced by factors of age (old), illness, poor diet, air pollution, ultraviolet light. One of the problems posed by the act of free radicals is the occurrence of skin damage. In addition to look dull and wrinkled, dark skin is also so quick and appear black spots. "Inject vitamin C, other than to boost immunity and speed up the healing process, will also make the skin look more beautiful and ageless," This deals with the workings of this vitamin, namely, among others inhibit tyrosinase enzyme that plays a role in the formation of pigment. If the skin is often exposed to sunlight, this enzyme would be rapidly stimulated to form pigment. If the pigmentation is inhibited, automatic skin so clean and bright.          

          Adequacy of vitamin C will help the formation of collagen or a compound containing amino acid-like glue binding the cell. The sticky substance is a major part of the composition of connective tissue such as skin, bone, ligament and bone. Collagen maintain the suppleness and elasticity of the skin with the help of vitamin C. Also to support the process that allows molecules to reach its best (hydroxylation). The task of vitamin C as well to keep the collagen from the easily damaged and weak risk. So, when given an adequate vitamin C in skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin surface smoothness. This is intended as a skin rejuvenation for skin does look younger and brighter. People were judged more white.       

          It is recommended if you want to take a vitamin C dose is high enough, to consult with your doctor. Because of concerns of side effects that you can suffer. So far the vit c is safe for consumption, but vitamin C should not be given to people with kidney failure and kidney stones, because it will spur the formation of kidney stones. Vitamin C also can disrupt the body's absorption of necessary minerals such as copper. Vitamin C is a compound that facilitate the absorption of iron. Should not be given to patients who have iron overload. For example, patients hematokromatosis (staining tissues with blood pigment).

15 June 2010

Dangers of Smoking Shisha Tobacco Hazards Similar

Shisha is quite familiar in Indonesia. Many places to eat or middle eastern-style cafe in Indonesia provides a Shisha as an alternative to enjoy tobacco, other than cigarettes. Shisha has been used for centuries ago for smoking and reduce stress, while relaxing with friends and family. Shaped like ancient water pipes, consisting of a long tube attached to glass or plastic container filled with water.
Shisha is so popular in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. In Lebanon known as Narghile, whereas in English is called Hookah. People smoked for relaxation.
          They think shisha is safer than cigarettes. Really this opinion?
As quoted from the Arab News, the research set out in the Saudi Medical Journal of the Armed Forces Hospital in Riyadh, El-Alem, show alarming fact that the shisha, as well as smoking is a major cause of death worldwide.
          The study found that shisha smoking increases heart rate and blood pressure, and interfere with lung function. Flavored shisha tobacco in the aroma of fruit and sugar syrup, then burnt using charcoal. Many who thought that the smoke from burning through the water before it is inhaled can filter out harmful substances in tobacco. In fact, water pipe smoke also contains the same toxins as cigarette smoke.

12 June 2010

How to Get a Natural Antioxidant

Antioxidants naturally better than synthetic antioxidants contained in many supplements are sold freely on the market. Berry, tomatoes and broccoli are three types of fruit and vegetables are the highest antioxidant mengantung. Even so, there are other fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants.

 1. Red Grapefruit       
The content of resveratrol in red wine are antioxidants that fight inflammation and cancer. Seeds from these fruits also contain powerful antioxidants and essential for maintaining heart health.

You can eat red grapes as the fruit of complementary feeding. Another advantage is that you can drink red wine at certain moments.

2. Garlic    
Garlic is a plant used for cooking to the next and treatment. This is because garlic has a delicious flavor to a variety of foods and a natural antibiotic that is already known from year to year.         

Garlic makes a healthy heart by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, garlic is also increasing antioxidants in the body.    

Do not stop there alone, garlic also has benefits for the skin. By eating garlic, it will lower the aging process by rejuvenating the skin.

3. Other Natural Antioxidants        
          Berries, tomatoes, broccoli, red wine and garlic are the five most powerful natural antioxidants to fight aging, coronary heart disease and cancer. In addition to these five fruits and vegetables, there are other fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, but its content is not too much.

Carrots, spinach and whole grains are other foods that also contain antioxidants. With so many fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, then you can easily apply the variety of foods daily so that is not easily bored.

09 June 2010

Natural ways Relieve Symptoms Colds

          Coughing is a disease that we often encounter. With more than 200 types of common cold viruses and the increase in new types of influenza viruses each season, most people will suffer from cough and cold at least once or twice a year. Because so many varieties of the common cold virus, do not be surprised if the drug really has not been found efficacious. Instead, the various types of drugs are sold freely available to help you deal with a variety of common cold symptoms are not pleasant. In general, the treatment is only intended to hold the symptoms of the disease, or "hit right on the head", so you can continue the routine as usual.

          Colds usually caused by a viral infection that attacks the upper respiratory system, namely the nose, throat, and sinus tract. Every day the air you breathe contains many harmful viruses (pathogens), which fought against and be resisted before it enters the body's respiratory tract.
One of the leading line of defense is the nose. You rely on him to catch and neutralize pathogens. With a centralized space heating systems and a lack of fresh air, one of the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses will be swollen and clogged with thick mucus. If the respiratory system can not effectively cope with pathogens, pathogens will enter the tissues of the body and start damaging the cell, resulting in swelling and various symptoms of a cold.

          Colds usually comes suddenly, symptoms are quite mild, and only lasts for a certain period. On average, a cold lasts for a week to ten days. Usually, the first stage of the common cold is characterized by sneezing, watery eyes, and sore throat due to mucus membranes to swell. This phase can also be accompanied by fever and chills, which is a sign of increased body temperature when trying to kill the germs that enter. Other symptoms that indicate an increase in body temperature is a pain in the joints and feeling lethargic. The symptoms appear because the virus spread outside the primary location of infection (in the nose and throat), to the blood stream and organs and other body tissues.

          Research shows that many respiratory problems caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Lack of fresh air and exercise, breathing short, bad posture, smoking, and air pollution that can overload the lungs. In the meantime, eat lots of dairy products, sugar and refined carbohydrates can overload the body because it can weaken the immune system and increase mucus production. Good health associated with a balanced lifestyle. Regular exercise, adequate rest and sleep, balanced diet, a satisfying job, and relationships with other people a fun, all of which can improve the health and fitness.        

          When one aspect of life is not balanced, this can affect the immune system. The longer the period of this imbalance, the weaker the immune system. You can increase endurance to stay strong and healthy by drinking lots of fresh fruit juice and water, and eat fruits, vegetables, and organic salads.

06 June 2010

Patients suspected overdose coma

          Management of early whether conducted by the ER in coma patients with a suspected drug overdose?  The approach is similar to the approach to every patient who comes into the ER with decreased consciousness, such as the following:    

a. Reviewing the ABC (airway, breathing, and circulation).         

b. Provide 100% oxygen therapy with a heart monitor.     

c. Inserting an IV.

d. Checking for vital signs, including core body temperature monitoring and pulse oximetry.       

e. Giving 2 mg naloxone which is a competitive antagonist of opiates in opiate receptors. Opiates often misused, and is the most commonly used preparations for a suicide attempt. Naloxone may cause withdrawal symptoms-drug.

f. Giving dextrose or glucose measuring fast. Hypoglycemia is a cause of impairment of consciousness that are common and easily treated with dextrose administration. Adult patients should receive 50% dextrose solution (50 ml) and children 0.5 to 1.0 mg / kg of D10-D25 solution (2-4 ml / kg). Medications commonly used, including insulin and oral hypoglycemic preparations, in addition to causing many medical problems can cause hypoglycemia. Because of dextrose can worsen hyperglycemia status and cerebral ischemia, it is recommended dextrose rapid measurements prior to infusion of dextrose.    

g. Thiamine with dextrose to provide adult patients suspected of an alcoholic or malnourished to prevent aggravation of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome caused by deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine) and is indicated by symptoms of ocular motor abnormalities, ataxia and confusion.      

h. Acetaminophen and salicylate serum levels, serum electrolytes (including blood urea and creatinine levels), and electrocardiography should didapatkanauntuk most patients with coma suspected drug overdose.

03 June 2010

7 Reasons You Need to Wake up Early

             You've heard the slogan "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, Wealthy, and wise"? This slogan is right, because when you sleep faster and wake up early, you get enough rest and wake up in the fresh-fit condition. With this condition, you can further enhance the productivity of your life throughout the day.
             So, for you are still not able to get quality time due to always stay up and wake up late, try to consider to better manage your time. Wake up it's fun, you know, because you can get extra time to do the things you want to do.
1. Sharpen your mind and heart            In the morning is a good time for self-development. For example, to read the book Your Job Is Not Your Career Rene Suhardono its not too exhausted to read it. Read this book in the morning. The atmosphere is still quiet would be a gift that you can use to develop yourself professionally, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. the morning is the time to sharpen the mind and heart.
2. Sport          Bed early, making you able to get up early to fit. The time is still there you can use to exercise, whether at home or at the gym near the office.
3. Care of the little things          Make the little things that you should do first to accomplish a larger task on that day. For example, the first reply to emails that have not opened in the inbox, so rongrongan emails from clients or other departments in the office will not seize your attention.
4. Increase productivity          If you start the day early, you will make the day seem longer. Thus, you can do more in one day than usual. If your work piling up for tomorrow, go to sleep early, get up early, then you can complete tasks more quickly.
5. Using time to think         Financial expert James Citrin once said, "the quietness of the morning often occur when our minds are clear, and allow to solve important problems." His article, Tapping the Power of Your Morning Routine, will provide insight on how valuable your time in the morning. In the article Jim also reported that 80 percent of corporate officers who diwawancaranya woke up at 5:30 or earlier.
6. Doing meditation         Meditation causes emotional balance and well-being. If you start the day with meditation, you will bring a balance in your life all day, and improve the quality of your life. Morning into a better time for meditation because your mind is still fresh, relaxed, and the brain is still sharp.
7. Beat congestion
         People in Jakarta or other big cities in Indonesia certainly know, if you have to take time tens of kilometers to the office every day, you'll save time if you leave for work early. By arriving at work early you can use the remaining time to do the things you love, whether it's reading, sports, call the parents in the village, to plan activities in a day, and so forth. Instead use this time to navigate traffic, better use it for "me time" is a small right?

01 June 2010

Women With Big Ass Helpful Create Heart Health!

          For you ladies, have a great body might make you less confident. However, do not be discouraged once, because, according to a study in the UK, have hips, buttocks and thighs of the proved beneficial for health heart.             

            As reported by the BBC, according to a team of researchers from England, who was in the hip fat contains anti-inflammatory agents (anti-inflammatory) to stop the natural artery. While the big butt is better than the fat piled
around the waist because it does not provide any protection.    

            "Fat around the hips and thighs is good for someone, but if in the vicinity of the stomach to be a bad thing. More and more fat around the thighs, the better, as long as you stay slim stomach, "explained lead researcher Dr. Konstantinos Manolopoulos from Oxford University.            

            The study, written in the International Journal of Obesity reveals that having too little fat in the hips can cause serious metabolic problems such as Cushing's syndrome. This syndrome is caused by the adrenal glands produce excessive corticosteroid   .

            Other evidence shows that fat around the thighs and the back is more difficult to shift than fat around the waist. This is actually beneficial, because the more fat burning, the more cytokines are also missing. Cytokines are usually
associated with cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and diabetes   

            Not only that, the slower the burning of fat hips, then the hormone production adinopektin become more numerous. Adinopektin hormones can protect arteries and improve blood sugar control and better fat burning process        .

Whereas if you carry excess fat around the abdomen (such as an apple body shape) can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Fotini Rozakeas from the British Heart Foundation said the research could help better understand how to distribute the fat in the body in order to prevent

someone affected by heart disease or diseases associated with blood circulation.

            "But if you are overweight and have a large waist size, it is important to make lifestyle changes such as the consumption of healthy food and physical activity to reduce the risk of cardiovascular health problems,"

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