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21 June 2010

Importance of Tooth Brush Night

           Dental care of children also depends on how the mother helps care for her. What about dental care infants need to be done? DENTAL children numbered twenty. Tigapuluhdua adult teeth. At birth, the baby's jaw contained 44 teeth being formed. Twenty milk teeth, twenty adult teeth, and four bags adult molars. Twenty will come out as the baby teeth (primary dentition). On average the first tooth will come out (eruption) at the age of 7 months which appears as a lower incisor.
            Girls and breast-fed babies faster than the eruption of boys, or who are not breastfed. Tooth eruption also depends on ethnicity, and individual as well. For example, children who have bone disorders, or children with mental keterbelakang, milk tooth eruption is generally too late.
A few months after the first baby teeth followed by upper incisors, lower incisor at the age of one year, the first molars at 14 months, then the second molar After the age of 2 years. Baby teeth are completely out after a child aged 2 years. Baby teeth need to be maintained until permanent teeth come out Age of baby teeth around 6-10 years only. By the time the child was 6 years old, the first milk tooth already dated and replaced by permanent teeth (permanent dentition). The first permanent tooth, the first prageraham. Following incisors, second prageraham, canine, and second molars at the age of 12 years. Last new wisdom tooth eruption between the ages of 18-25 years.
           Each baby teeth is old. Baby teeth naturally should date. When the date prior to its age, will mislead the release of permanent teeth. Composition of the permanent teeth are not as regularly as the milk teeth when milk teeth are dated prior to its age.
           Baby teeth that paved the way for the release of permanent teeth. If the baby teeth were gone, while the teeth are still not mature enough to come out, then the direction of discharge does not follow the path of the milk teeth. So the position of permanent teeth aimlessly. After the adult arrangement child's teeth into similar radial tires.

            For dates on the old milk teeth, the teeth should be treated. Because the outer layer (enamel) of milk teeth are not as strong as permanent teeth, baby teeth easier porous. Tooth decay usually occurs by microbiological and chemical processes.
Residual carbohydrate foods (bread, rice, sweet potatoes, cassava, potato) and sweet-paced, if stuck to the tooth surface will occur the fermentation process. Together with the germs in the oral cavity, forming acid. This lactat acid which will destroy the outer layer of teeth forming caries, or tooth holes. Wiped cotton, rinse, and toothbrushes
               So on the surface of the teeth should not be any leftovers. In particular the carbohydrate, such as biscuits, chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream, and the like. Leaving leftovers means fail to prevent tooth decay. Teeth are porous and not treated, will be destroyed, the date, and ended up as the rest of the root. Infants not yet able to gargle, brush my teeth let alone own. So during infancy, his own mother who helped wipe the surface of your child's teeth with a sterile wet cotton. Each time you finish eating and drinking, get used to wipe the teeth. Toddler dental health is determined by the dental care since the age of the baby.
Once children are able to gargle, get used to him rinse his mouth after every meal and drink. Teach also brushing. Maybe not perfect. Mothers need to guide him to brush teeth correctly.
At an average age of children under five have advanced to brush their own teeth. Get used at least twice a day. In the morning after breakfast, and at night before bed. During the day, and after each meal, at least rinse his mouth.
           Brushing your teeth at night actually far more important than the morning. Why? Therefore during nighttime sleep mouth closed. During the mouth closed, if there are leftovers to the tooth surface, it will last longer lived there. Being during the day, children are still engaged in eating and drinking, so if there is leftover food stuck in tooth surfaces will be washed away by the food and beverages consumed.

          Children who do not brush their teeth at night a greater risk of thinning. Tooth loss and left untreated lead to a black color on the tooth surface. Over time the tooth decay occurs. Then the tooth root infection, gum infection and swollen gums. Next the teeth will be destroyed, damaged prematurely. For toddlers teeth healthy, get used to bite the apple, rose apple, yam, cucumber, and the like. In addition to gear train violence, with fruit biting hard, the tooth surface is cleaned. Similarly obtained during chewing.

         Immediately when starting holes patched. Baby teeth are already starting porous needs to be treated, before the already perforated. For that we need fillings. Occasionally, despite regular brushing, when the seed is less good teeth, teeth can still be porous as well (decalcification).

             By doing a milk tooth fillings, teeth are expected to still be able to survive to age. Thus, he will wait until the time their permanent teeth start to come out. Giving extra calcium alone is only useful during tooth has not come out. Tooth bud formation requires calcium. Useless if the tooth has erupted. When the alleged lack of good quality gear, should be given extra fluoride. Fluorine can be contained in drinking water (tap) and toothpaste. Or in the form of application of fluoride on tooth surfaces every six months.
            Brushing your teeth properly in children should be established. If it is wrong from the start, then be formed brush way that is not true. In principle the entire surface of the tooth does not have that escape from brushing. Often parts of the tooth surfaces that are difficult touched, or difficult to reach, the location of teeth that are often threatened porous. Then seek not just a mere brushing. Moreover Happenings brushing night. Because the night these days the most severe destruction of the teeth are common.


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