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09 June 2010

Natural ways Relieve Symptoms Colds

          Coughing is a disease that we often encounter. With more than 200 types of common cold viruses and the increase in new types of influenza viruses each season, most people will suffer from cough and cold at least once or twice a year. Because so many varieties of the common cold virus, do not be surprised if the drug really has not been found efficacious. Instead, the various types of drugs are sold freely available to help you deal with a variety of common cold symptoms are not pleasant. In general, the treatment is only intended to hold the symptoms of the disease, or "hit right on the head", so you can continue the routine as usual.

          Colds usually caused by a viral infection that attacks the upper respiratory system, namely the nose, throat, and sinus tract. Every day the air you breathe contains many harmful viruses (pathogens), which fought against and be resisted before it enters the body's respiratory tract.
One of the leading line of defense is the nose. You rely on him to catch and neutralize pathogens. With a centralized space heating systems and a lack of fresh air, one of the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses will be swollen and clogged with thick mucus. If the respiratory system can not effectively cope with pathogens, pathogens will enter the tissues of the body and start damaging the cell, resulting in swelling and various symptoms of a cold.

          Colds usually comes suddenly, symptoms are quite mild, and only lasts for a certain period. On average, a cold lasts for a week to ten days. Usually, the first stage of the common cold is characterized by sneezing, watery eyes, and sore throat due to mucus membranes to swell. This phase can also be accompanied by fever and chills, which is a sign of increased body temperature when trying to kill the germs that enter. Other symptoms that indicate an increase in body temperature is a pain in the joints and feeling lethargic. The symptoms appear because the virus spread outside the primary location of infection (in the nose and throat), to the blood stream and organs and other body tissues.

          Research shows that many respiratory problems caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Lack of fresh air and exercise, breathing short, bad posture, smoking, and air pollution that can overload the lungs. In the meantime, eat lots of dairy products, sugar and refined carbohydrates can overload the body because it can weaken the immune system and increase mucus production. Good health associated with a balanced lifestyle. Regular exercise, adequate rest and sleep, balanced diet, a satisfying job, and relationships with other people a fun, all of which can improve the health and fitness.        

          When one aspect of life is not balanced, this can affect the immune system. The longer the period of this imbalance, the weaker the immune system. You can increase endurance to stay strong and healthy by drinking lots of fresh fruit juice and water, and eat fruits, vegetables, and organic salads.


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