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03 December 2010

sudden blindness after sex

'Love makes people blind' is typically a term used to express the effect of love that often makes people forget themselves. But this term is really happening on a blind man who had suffered a sudden every time she had sex.
A Danish man, whose identity is covered it would have to seek medical help each time he had sexual intercourse, because she suffered temporary blindness every reach climax during intercourse.
Surprisingly, these sudden blindness has never happened when he was doing other strenuous exercise.
 a report from the Department of Ophthalmology at Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, reveals that the causetemporary blindness during sex is vasoconstriction.
Vasoconstriction is the same condition that causes erectile dysfunction. This condition causes the muscle wall berkontrasksi around blood vessels, limiting blood flow.
Previously, doctors have speculated that the cause of this man's blindness is embolism or blockage of blood vessels by an embolus, which is a foreign body in the bloodstream like a blood clot, fat or air, which can clog one of its branches.
The detailed report from the Glostrup Hospital, said that hypothesis is the mechanism that causes temporary vision loss in men is vasoconstriction or emboli in the blood in the arteries supplying the eye.
This patient is now finally treated by using drugs to widen blood vessels. Reports from Glostrup Hospital was also published as scientific articles in PubMed Medical Database.


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