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23 December 2010

Mendengkur Bisa Diatasi dengan Cara Ini!

MENDENGKUR, suara nyaring yang keluar dari saluran pernapasan bagian atas sebagai hasil getaran atap lunak rongga mulut dan uvula, sepotong daging kecil yang menggantung di belakangnya. Sederhana, namun dapat menjadi perhatian khusus pasangan ataupun tetangga penderita kebiasaan buruk ini.

Dr Ralph E Stanley FRCS, konsultan senior Stanley Ear Nose Throat & Sinus Centre, Gleneagles Medical Centre, Singapura, mengatakan diagnosis dapat ditegakkan melalui pemeriksaan telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokkan secara saksama menggunakan laringoskop hidung untuk menelaah apakah terdapat sumbatan di hidung dan sinus-sinusnya hingga saluran tenggorok. Kasus yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah infeksi sinus hidung, pembesaran konka hidung, polip hidung, dan pembesaran tonsil. Bagian dasar lidah pun tak luput dari pengamatan.

“Pemeriksaan lain yang dilakukan adalah polisomnografi semalam (pembelajaran tidur), yang dapat dilakukan di mana saja. Pemeriksaan noninvasif ini menggunakan sensor atau elektroda yang diletakkan pada kulit dan dihubungkan ke monitor yang memuat skala parameter semua gelombang otak (EEG), ketegangan otot, gerakan dada dan mata, aliran napas hidung/mulut, kadar oksigen dalam darah, dan rekaman dengkuran. Keseluruhan paramater ini ditangkap oleh komputer, disimpan, dan diinterpretasikan oleh dokter pemeriksa. Pemeriksaan ini merupakan ‘standar emas’  penegakkan diagnosis dan derajat keparahannya,” jelasnya.

Dr Ralph mengatakan bahwa informasi yang didapatkan dari dua jenis pemeriksaan di atas, membantu dokter untuk menentukan apakah penderita memiliki permasalahan dalam mendengkur atau sindroma apnea tidur atau keduanya dan derajat keparahan sindroma tersebut. Sindroma tahanan saluran napas bagian atas terkadang sulit ditegakkan dan ditengarai sebagai akibat dari peningkatan gairah dengan riwayat mengantuk berlebihan di kala siang.

“Penyeimbangan berat badan dan olahraga teratur adalah dua langkah dasar yang dapat dilakukan penderita untuk mengatasi dengkuran kala tidur dan sindrom apnea obstruktif. Hindari konsumsi obat-obat penenang atau sejenisnya, serta kurangi asupan alkohol. Apabila dengkuran memburuk dalam posisi terlentang, hendaknya penderita mengubah posisi tidur menjadi miring, agar lidah tidak jatuh ke belakang, dan menghalangi jalan napas. Tangani infeksi dan alergi pada hidung dan sinus secara medis dengan baik untuk membuka sumbatan saluran nafas, khususnya pada hidung,” sarannya.

“Penderita sindrom apnea tidur dengan dengkuran dan/atau sindroma tahanan saluran napas bagian atas, saya anjurkan menjalani terapi penekanan positif saluran napas pada hidung secara berlanjut atau CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). Dalam hal ini, penderita harus tidur dengan masker wajah/hidung yang dihubungkan dengan tabung fleksibel untuk sebuah mesin kecil yang berfungsi untuk memampatkan udara ambien, kemudian udara ini ditransfer ke dalam hidung pasien untuk membuka saluran nafas, sehingga dengkuran berkurang dan meningkatkan kualitas tidur penderita. Kendati menunjukkan angka keberhasilan terapi yang cukup memuaskan, sepertiga penderita menolak karena kurang nyaman tidur dengan mesin dan masker. Sedangkan pada penderita sindroma apnea tidur ringan dengan dengkuran, dapat melebarkan jalur tenggorok dengan peralatan gigi khusus yang mendorong maju rahang, sehingga meningkatkan aliran udara tenggorok dan mengurangi dengkuran. Peralatan ini harus digunakan dengan hati-hati karena menekan sendi rahang,” paparnya.

Beberapa terapi pembedahan spesifik bisa pula dilakukan sesuai dengan kondisi penderita.

“Karena itu, waspadai gaya tidur Anda. Segera konsultasikan diri Anda ke dokter, apabila merasa menderita sindroma apnea tidur. Mengorok sama sekali bukan suatu aktifitas yang patut ditertawakan, karena erat kaitannya dengan penekanan kuat sistem kerja jantung serta syaraf tubuh. Mengorok bukan suatu bagian dari humor kehidupan, dan dapat ditangani dengan atau tanpa operasi,” tutupnya.

14 December 2010

Tobacco Smoke Cause Early Lung Damage

Cigarette smoke can cause premature damage to the lungs and the DNA so that the administration of President Barack Obama will prioritize efforts to stop smoking, federal health officials said Thursday.
Activities smoking not only hurts the smoker but also those around them. All the taxes, prohibitions and treatment must be run together to help reduce the amount of smoking, says U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin in his report on the activities of smoking.
"These chemicals in tobacco smoke reaches your lungs quickly each time you inhale, causing premature damage," said Benjamin and added, even with small amounts of cigarette tobacco smoke can damage DNA, causing cancer.
The report in general surgery networking also said tobacco companies have deliberately designed a number of cigarettes and other tobacco products to be both addictive and they have launched a new tobacco product that allegedly more secure but in fact are harmful and addictive nature.
Benjamin said, a third person who ever tried cigarettes will become heavy smokers.
"Over the last two years, we have been working to reduce tobacco use, including implementing the laws that regulate tobacco products, to finance the efforts of local tobacco regulation and expand access to tobacco cessation equity security," said Minister of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.
"It's still the main key of our government," he added.
The report notes that research has shown smoking killed 443,000 people each year in the United States that one of every five people died from cancer, heart disease, lung disease and other causes.
"The economic burden tobacco use was recorded at more than 193 billion dollars per year consisting of medical costs and productivity losses," said Sebelius.
"More than 1,000 people died every day from smoking and one-half of all long-term smokers killed by diseases caused by smoking," added the report.
Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention USA (CDC), Dr. Thomas Frieden, and the Government Council on Food and Drugs, Dr. Margaret Hamburg, said the study was also produced by reducing the activity of smoking.
"The biggest impact comes when we raise the price of tobacco, banning smoking in public action, offering smoking cessation treatments are easily available and affordable, and combine media campaigns and other efforts," they said in their report.
The CDC estimates that about 23 percent of American adults and 17 percent of high school students in the country are smokers.

04 December 2010

Due Lazy Drinking Water

Not a few people who are lazy to drink water, especially in a cold room or area because they feel thirsty. Better not obey feeling lazy drinking water because the body that will suffer the consequences.
Water is the largest component in the human body. Its content varies according to age. Water content of 80 percent in infants, adults by 60 percent and at an advanced age or over 65 years by 50 percent.
Water is also an essential nutrient for healthy body because it acts as a solvent, catalyst, lubricant, regulating body temperature and the provider of minerals and electrolytes.
Number of water a person needs varies depending on the size of the person's body and what is considered appropriate for her body.
Although the water needs of each person is different according to Professor Hiromi Shinya, MD, an expert in enzyme that is also a professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine USA, try the body to get a supply of water 6-8 glasses per day (1.5 to 2 liters) for adults .
Here are the consequences of lazy drinking water as reported by the American College of Sports Medicine, on Thursday (12/02/2010):
1. When the minimum water supply of the body will experience a shortage of water or dehydration. Dehydration causes fluid in the brain will be reduced, the intake of oxygen which should flow to the brain was reduced. As a result, brain cells become active and growing, can even shrink.
2. The composition of the brain consists of fluid, and when the brain does not get enough water intake will occur impaired cognitive function (intelligence) in the brain. The brain can not function normally again, especially cognitive function yaang finally makes one a slow, easy to forget, and no concentration.
3. Dehydration experienced by the body can cause symptoms ranging from mild and medium, such as fatigue, thirst, dry throat, hot body, headaches, dark urine, rapid pulse, until severe symptoms such as hallucinations and death.
4. Prone to bladder infections because bacteria can not get out due to lack of drinking. Symptoms of bladder infection may be a slightly increased body temperature, pain, especially when the end of urination, feeling the urge to urinate that can not be arrested, tenderness over the pubic bone. Sometimes there is blood in the urine.
5. Women should consume more water because the bladder channel length shorter than men. Drink plenty of water will help the bacteria out of the urinary tract and reduce the risk of bladder infections.
6. Skin so dull as not drinking makes the skin capillary blood flow was also not optimal.
7. Lack of drinking water can interfere with renal function of water therefore important to prevent kidney stones. With enough water, the kidney stone-forming components become easier with the entire urination.

03 December 2010

sudden blindness after sex

'Love makes people blind' is typically a term used to express the effect of love that often makes people forget themselves. But this term is really happening on a blind man who had suffered a sudden every time she had sex.
A Danish man, whose identity is covered it would have to seek medical help each time he had sexual intercourse, because she suffered temporary blindness every reach climax during intercourse.
Surprisingly, these sudden blindness has never happened when he was doing other strenuous exercise.
 a report from the Department of Ophthalmology at Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, reveals that the causetemporary blindness during sex is vasoconstriction.
Vasoconstriction is the same condition that causes erectile dysfunction. This condition causes the muscle wall berkontrasksi around blood vessels, limiting blood flow.
Previously, doctors have speculated that the cause of this man's blindness is embolism or blockage of blood vessels by an embolus, which is a foreign body in the bloodstream like a blood clot, fat or air, which can clog one of its branches.
The detailed report from the Glostrup Hospital, said that hypothesis is the mechanism that causes temporary vision loss in men is vasoconstriction or emboli in the blood in the arteries supplying the eye.
This patient is now finally treated by using drugs to widen blood vessels. Reports from Glostrup Hospital was also published as scientific articles in PubMed Medical Database.

02 December 2010

Nose Hole Right and the Left Have Different Functions

Man was created with two right and left nostril are more often inhale and exhale air simultaneously. But you know when the right nostril and the left has a different function?
Right nostril and left each have different functions. Exhaled breath of each hole also has different healing properties.
Launched Sanatansociety, Tuesday (11/30/2010) each nostril while operating independently to affect the body chemistry in different ways. When both nostrils at the same work, also body chemistry changes.
Right nostril is often likened to the sun that have hot characters. Right nostril to function out of hot air in the body, so as to increase acid secretion.
Left nostril as a month likened the cold air out. Air blowing from the left nostril to increase spending an alkali (base).
Both right and left nostril associated with the opposite side of the brain hemispheres and olfactory lobes. The nose is in direct contact with the hypothalamus via the path with the olfactory lobes in the brain. The hypothalamus is part of the limbic system, associated with emotion and motivation.
Nostril through the process of respiration associated with neuromotor response and the autonomic nervous system. Neuromotor response affects the brain hemispheres (hemisphere) and also the chemical activity of the brain, which in turn affects all body functions.
Breathing through the left nostril influencing brain cortical activity on the right side, and vice versa. The right hemisphere is influenced by the dominance of the left nostril, associated with emotional ability, visual, relaxation and activities that are feminine.
While the left hemisphere, which is stimulated by the dominance of the right nostril, associated with verbal activity, more energetic and rational.
The function of each nostril can be felt at the time of the healing process. Examples of each nostril functions include:

Dominant right nostril breathing

1. Relieves headaches
2. Can help cure chronic indigestion
3. Relieve constipation (constipation) and fussy eaters

Dominant left nostril breathing

1. Can relieve stress
2. Overcoming sleep problems (insomnia). Way, lying on the right and left nostril breathing (menurup right   nostril) for 25 to 30 minutes.

01 December 2010

Be careful, Mobile Can Trigger Allergic Reactions

Using the phone for long periods can cause negative effects on health. One of them turned out to also trigger allergic reactions. In recent years, dermatologists from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology found cases of allergy in the ear and along the jaw line.

The number of cases of allergy patients is also increasing. However, it is known when the patients discontinue the use of cell phones, allergy goes away by itself. The study found that symptoms such as allergic reactions from metal on the phone and is most often caused by nickel. Worldwide, nickel allergy occurred in three percent of men and 20 percent female.

"Women are more vulnerable to natural allergic reaction to this than men because their skin is more sensitive to metal materials, such as earrings or jewelry metal," said Dr. Clifford W. Bassett, an allergist from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, as quoted by the New York Times.

Unclear how many people who experience allergic reactions due to their phones. But from the medical literature known to quite a lot of cases of allergic phones. In a typical case, described by researchers at Brown University and published in the journal CMAJ in 2008, a 18-year-old man who suffered a strange rash on the right side of his face that continues to grow.

After testing his cell phone headsets, known to contain nickel if positive, he switched to phones that are not made of nickel-free. Redness and rash is gone. The researchers then tested 22 popular mobile phone models and found levels of nickel in 10 phones, especially in the headset and the menu button.

For those of you prone to allergies, especially if in contact with metal, most likely cell phone use would trigger an allergic reaction. Prior to the more severe allergy attack, you can perform allergy tests hospital to get a clear and specific information.

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