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28 July 2010


Understanding Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an acute infectious process of the lung tissue (alveoli). The occurrence of pneumonia in children is often in conjunction with the process of acute infection in the bronchi (usually called bronchopneumonia). Symptoms of this disease in the form of rapid breathing and shortness of breath, because suddenly inflamed lung. Limit fast breathing is a respiratory frequency of 50 times per minute or more in children aged 2 months to less than 1 year, and 40 times per minute or more in children aged 1 year to less than 5 years. In children under the age of 2 months, no known diagnosis of pneumonia.
Serious pneumonia characterized by coughing or (accompanied) difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or withdrawal of the lower chest wall into the (severe chest indrawing) in children aged 2 months to less than 5 years. In this age group is also known Pneumonia is very serious, with symptoms of cough, difficulty breathing accompanied by symptoms of central cyanosis and can not drink. As for children under 2 months, severe pneumonia is characterized by respiratory frequency of 60 times per minute or more or (also accompanied by) a strong drawdown in the lower chest wall inward.
Pneumonia became the focus of disease control program activities P2ISPA (Disease Eradication Acute Respiratory Tract Infection). This program is an effort to better known term Pneumonia society, making it easier for extension activities and dissemination of information on prevention Pneumonia.
P2ISPA program classifies patients into 2 groups of age:
Age younger than 2 months (Weight and Not Pneumonia Pneumonia)
Aged 2 months to less than 5 years (2 months - Pneumonia, Pneumonia Weight and Not Pneumonia)
Classification of Non-pneumonia include cough group of five patients who showed no symptoms of increased frequency of breath and do not indicate a withdrawal of the chest wall into the bottom. ARI disease outside of pneumonia include: cough, common cold (common cold), pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis, excluding diseases covered under this program.
Pneumonia is the world's health problems due to high death rates, not just in developing countries, but also in developed countries like the U.S., Canada and European countries. In the U.S. for example, there are two million to three million cases of pneumonia per year with an average number of deaths 45,000 people.
In Indonesia, pneumonia is the third cause of death after cardiovascular disease and tuberculosis. Low socioeconomic factors heightens mortality. Pneumonia Symptoms are fever, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and pulse, or greenish phlegm such as rubber, and the description of X-ray results show the density in the lung
Density occurs because the lungs filled with inflammatory cells and fluid which is actually the body's reaction to deadly luman. But consequently impaired lung function, patients have difficulty breathing, because it left no room for oxygen. Pneumonia in the community generally, are caused by bacteria, viruses or Mycoplasma (an intermediate form between bacteria and viruses). Common bacteria are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella Sp, Pseudomonas sp, viruses such as influenza virus.

Treating Pneumonia

You have signs of pneumonia?, Do not worry, the chance is still very large recover with the following conditions; young age, detected early, the immune system work properly, the infection has not spread, and no other infections.
Initial treatment is usually antibiotics, which are potent enough to overcome pneumonia by bacteria, Mycoplasma and some cases of rickettsia.
For pneumonia, the virus until now there is no specific guidance, although some antiviral drugs have been used. Most patients can be treated at home. Usually, the treating doctor will choose medicines according peneumonia considerations respectively, after the patient's temperature returned to normal, your doctor will instruct advanced treatment to prevent recurrence. You see, seranganberikutnya can be more severe than the first. Besides antibiotics, patients also will receive additional treatment in the form of dietary regulation and oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
In the mid-old patient, it takes longer to break mengembvalikan body condition. However, those who had recovered from the pneumonia mycoplasmal will be exhausted in a long time. Routinely, patients who had recovered from pneumonia, do not be prohibited from returning to conduct its activities. But they need to be reminded to not directly perform heavy. You see, adequate rest is key to a healthy back.
To deal with severe acute respiratory (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome / SARS) is still mysterious, the World Health organization (WHO) urged health officials to implement universal precautions. That is, they should wear gloves, masks, boots and jackets that protect the body from direct contact with patients. Create sufferers are also advised to wear masks and other protective until SARS was tackled. Patients who are suspected or likely exposed to SARS should be isolated. Treatment should be low-pressure chamber with the door closed, not sharing with other patients (including patients with a similar syndrome) and had a bathroom and toilet facilities themselves.
All equipment used should be disposable and the room cleaned by using desinfektans which contain antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Patients should be kept sedentary. Patients and healthcare workers who handle recommended to always wash hands with soap to prevent spreading. Because antibiotics do not demonstrate the effectiveness of broad berspekturm handle SARS, the WHO would recommend for the use of intravenous ribavirin and steroid injections to stabilize the patient's condition was critical.

Too late though not Know Pneumonia

PNEUMONIA peyakit actually not new. American Lung Association, for example, mentions until 1936, pneumonia became the number one cause of death in America. The use of antibiotics, making the disease can be controlled a few years later. But in 2000, a combination of pneumonia and influenza again rampant and become the seventh leading cause of death in the country.
Pneumonia is an infection that causes lung? inflamed lung. Air sacs in the lungs called alveoli filled with pus and fluid, so the ability to absorb oxygen becomes less. Lack of oxygen makes the body's cells can not work. Gara? This is because, in addition to the spread of infection throughout the body, patients can die of pneumonia. Actually pneumonia is not a single disease. The causes can vary and there are 30 known sources of infection, with the main source of bacteria, viruses, mikroplasma, mushrooms, various chemical compounds and particles.

By Bacterial Pneumonia

Triggered bacterial pneumonia can attack anyone, from babies to old age. Alcoholics, post-operative patients, people with respiratory disease, were infected with a virus or immune decline, are most at risk. Actually, the bacteria that cause pneumonia, the most common is Streptococcus pneumoniae already exist in healthy human esophagus. Once the body's defenses down by illness, old age, or malnutrition, the bacteria multiply quickly and cause damage.
The whole lung tissue filled with fluid and infection quickly spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. Patients infected with pneumonia will be a high heat, sweating, panting, and his heart rate increased rapidly. Lips and nails may turn blue because the body lacks oxygen. In the case eksterm, patients will be shivering, teeth bergemelutuk, chest pain, and when coughing green mucus. Before too late, the disease is still treatable. Even for the prevention of vaccine had been available.

Pneumonia By Virus

Half of the estimated incidence of pneumonia caused by viruses. Today more and more viruses were identified. Although most of these viruses attack the upper respiratory tract, especially in children, this disorder can lead to pneumonia. Fortunately, most of these species are not severe pneumonia and recovered in a short time.
But if the infection occurred simultaneously with influenza virus, interference may be severe and sometimes fatal, virus that infects the lungs will breed even though no visible fluid-filled lung tissue.
Symptoms of Pneumonia by just the same as influenza virus, namely fever, dry cough, headache, pain throughout the body. Lethargic and tired, during the 12? 136 hours, a shortness of breath, coughing more violently and produced a number of mucus. High fever sometimes make the lips turn blue.

Mycoplasma Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a different type of symptoms and physical signs when compared with pneumonia in general. Therefore, pneumonia suspected to be caused by a virus that has not been found is often also called a pneumonia that is not typical (Atypical pneumonia).
Mycoplasma pneumonia began to be identified in the war dnia II. Mycoplasma is the smallest the wild free agent that causes disease in humans. Mycoplasma could not be classified as viruses or bacteria, although having characteristics of both.
Pneumonia is usually mild and widespread degree. Mycoplasma attack all types of ages. But most often in young men and young teenagers. The death rate is very low, even in the untreated.
The most frequent symptoms were severe cough, but with a little mucus. Fever and chills only appears at the beginning, and in some patients could be nausea and vomiting. New weak flavor is lost in a long time.

Other Types of Pneumonia

Including this group is Pneumocystitis pnumonia carinii (PCP) are suspected to be caused by fungi, PCP usually be early signs of disease attack in people with HIV / AIDS.
PCP can be treated in many cases. It could be the disease appeared again a few months later, but good treatment will prevent or menundah recurrence.
Other more rare pneumonia caused by the entry of food, liquids, gases, dust and mold.
Rickettsia-also fall into the category of viruses and bacteria-causing Rocky Mountain fever, Q fever, typhoid, and psittacosis. These diseases also interfere with lung function, but eyebrows tuberculosis pneumonia Tuberculosis is the most dangerous lung infection except dioabati early.


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